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Reviews for "SBX : Link vs. Vivi"


i liked it, vivi and link are my two favorite characters. but i think you couldv'e made vivi talk. keep up the good work

BAH, now let me tell you people out there.

Gamecube is ALRIGHT. *sighs* I remember when Final Fantasies were good....((A.e. FF1, FF4, FF3/6, FF7, AND FFTACTICS, FF9 WAS ALSO GOOD.)) Now ff11 looks good but its pay-to-play which i hate. ff10 in my opinion SUCKED. so did ffX-2. FFx-2 BROKE THE TRADITION BY MAKING A SEQUAL. My god and it had all girls. I mean i can see 1 guy and 2 girls. BUT ALL GIRLS god why not throw some tampons on it. Bah anyway. In my opinion XBOX BLOWS HARD. the controler was made for like a bear, the games suck ((Halo was ALRIGHT)), listen driver 3, gta, and all those other games are COPIES OF EACH OTHER. they all have the same exact gameplay and NO STORYLINE and NO GRAPHICAL DIFFERENCE. I've been playing since Snes days. In my opinion Snes>All in fun and gameplay factor. It had rpgs, megaman X, smrpg, and mario games. Jeez todays games are all THE SAME EXACT THING. Nintendo is pretty original i'll give you that though. I like nintendo because they aren't copies of each other. LIKE XBOX. Im not saying Ps2 because that has some rpgs in it atleast.

All of you who say GAMECUBE is kiddy and hypocrites. Hmm lets see xbox...blood? Like someone said before games that FOCOUS SOLEY ON BLOOD AND GORE are kiddy because kids look for that because they think its COOL or FUNNY. Besides most adults if they were old school players played Nes and atari so they most likely like stuff like Space Invaders, Pac-Man, and Dig-Dug. Now lets be honest, those games weren't so great. But on this fact adults probably don't care about graphics. It's sad games today focous soley on graphics. Gaming is dieing....slowly but it is. First mario games will suck, then final fantasy shall die, then! all games shall turn into gay ass copy shooters. Slowly people will realize this and stop playing. MAKING EVERY COMPANY BANKRUPT AND DESTROYING GAMING AS WE KNOW IT.

God is everyone blind? Also Dreamcast was good man. I have no idea why it died. Probably because new ass revolution gamers want GRAPHICS MORE GRAPHICS and don't give a shit about gameplay. So basically they want eyecandy.

Thats my two cents, hopefully it will open some damn eyes up.

Also lol about the movie, sephiroth is cool. Link i alright but you made him look stupid, and vivi is alright. I want sephiroth to win really unless you put cloud in it.


There's the blood & gore I'm looking for! But please for vivi's sake, don't kill him off! At least, not yet! please?

Loved, but why bring Sephiroth?

If this is called LINK VS VIVI, then thats how it should be, not Sephiroth, and Sephiroth could never kill Sonic or Luigi, cause Sonic is too damn fast to catch and Luigi could have shoot fireballs from a distance.

And plese work on the graphics more, Links hat is not shaped so short and Vivi has Striped white and light blue pants.

But it is still good, hope part II is better though...

Good Job

I agree with you about the consoles, but Nintendo is still the most profitable gaming company around--they aren't going anywhere. Microsoft has lost over 2.5 billion on the Xbox and Sony is ahead in the market for various reasons, mainly it offered a DVD player at a lower price when they were expensive. Nintendo, however, will soon change gaming with the DS and the Revolution.

About the movie, where are the sequels? And Link would utterly destroy Vivi and Seph in a fight. He has faced magic, energy attacks and great swordsmen. Plus he has magic of his own, an assortment of weapons and fairys.

It was excellent, I can't wait for the next one if you are still making them.