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Reviews for "Sexy Alien Band"

Awesome Graphics

That was some of the best graphics I have seen in Newgrounds. Please make more. Just curious though, is the female just for this one video or will she be in more, just maybe actually playing an instrument next time?

MooseMouse responds:

She is definitely a permanent member of the band. She may take guitar lessons for the next video.. the robot can only do so much.

Dude that was excellent!!!

I think you should definitely start making short films with these characters. Maybe each episode can end with a little musical performance or every other episode can be a video. to be honest man, you'd be wasting your talents on just making little music videos with these charcters. PLEASSSSSSSE start making little movies!!!!!

P.S. I'm a beginner in animation so, IF YOU CAN, please leave little notes on the software & techniques you use. Thanks!!

MooseMouse responds:

I used Autodesk Maya for the character animation. As for techniques, I work pose-to-pose and then refine. Get the key story telling poses and their timing right first, then go back and add the details like anticipation, overlap, and facial animation. Try to make the key poses readable in silhouette. If you are just beginning, try going WAY overboard with your poses and motion.. you can always go back to an earlier saved version. Most beginners do not push their poses far enough. My other animation on Newgrounds (Santa) is a better example of pushing the animation. Hope that helps!

Great stuff, but uh...

Where can I get the song from? The flash didn't mention the song's name or original band etc... is this something you made up? If so, I hope there's a way to get it, would be a nice cellphone tune haha.

MooseMouse responds:

The song is something I made up. I don't currently have just the song online anywhere. I will try to figure out how to make that available.


I can't get this song out of my head... I love it. This is the BEST music video on New grounds... Please make the song available for download....please, please! And for the love of sweet zombie Jebus, MAKE MORE!!! ^_^ *I mean it, seriously.... this is the best*

what was the

singer saying? i couldn't hear him...