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Reviews for "Revenge of the Kongs"

You can't do this to me!!!

How could you make me suffer like that not knowing what will happen next! Seriously that was very good. I liked the storyline, the music and many scenes. I WAS NOT expecting what happened to Dixie...man was i supprised. pretty gory that was cool, made good violence. You exploited the game very well. It brought back some great memories. The music too was very good. In the end, it was a great movie and make the sequel quickly before I kill someone hehe.


This was, and I'm not joking here, one of the best sprite flashes I have ever in my life seen. The graphics, story and music were all superb, and it was exciting! Can't wait to hear more form you!


aww man niceass vid but did you really hav to kill of the kongs so quickly? This movie brings back old memories and is very nice and detailed along with well placed song ques and detail as you definately did not skip a single beat. One thing is it seems this movie is partial copoff of ROTMK... o well nice work man very appreciated and good to know someone else other than me still loves the DK series ^-^.


Sebastian! Man, for a second there I thought you weren't gonna finish this thing. But hey, you pulled through, and with flying colors I might add.

There were several aspects about this movie that impressed me. For one, the sprites were incrediblely clean, crisp, and well edited. I appreciated the lively backgrounds (especially the lightning towards the end), as they were often animated and did not disregard prespective. I enjoyed the little customs you put in there, and the attention to detail was remarkable.

The menu and scene selection were great additions, as you made them nice and pretty, while keepin' it simple and manuverable.

The voice acting was decent in general. Some parts were excellent while others could've used more work.

The soundtrack was perfect. Selections from Pirates and LotR fit this piece well. You applied loud, fanfare style songs during adventure scenes and slow, sorrowful songs during the more dramatic scenes. Nice picks. Great work here.

There was one aspect that was sort of, well, bittersweet. It seems like the storyline is fairly similar to Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom, except with Kongs, of course. While it's pretty cool to see a simian version of RotMK, it sort of shows a lack of originality. I'm not sure if you were aware of the parallels. Just pointing it out.

Either way, I'm definitely anxious for the second installment. You really did a fantastic job here, and it's great to see you back on NG again. Good luck in the future!

By the way, thanks for putting my name in the credits :D

SebastianLopez responds:

wow, is my grat pal Bigfoot!!
and i totally agree with your comments.
the storyline neds some originality, and some voices are lame (specially by voices XD)

but i really try to fix all those issues in the secuel

Thanks dude your reviews are always useful and your support is awsome!!!

see ya!

Thank you very much!

I don't care that they were sprites! I love Donkey Kong so much and this movie was perfect! Way to escalate the emotion in the story line. Absolutely beautifully well done. Music definitely helped create the atmosphere and drive the storyline. Amazing!

Thank You!