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Reviews for "Max Mesiria Chp2 RPG"

Just... brilliant

This is brilliant! I really hope there will be another of your games soon :D again: BRILLIANT! Most definitely :D


Good game. I like the Elder Scrolls 3:Morrowind sword sound effects for use on the robots. Good game!

Wow. This rocks like the Punk-o-Matic, biotch!

This. Game. ROCKS.

I can't say that enough. If Jimi Hendrix burst from the ground with a guitar in his hand and launched straight into the Star Spangled Banner + Purple Haze, it would rock about as hard as this game rocks.

Heh. Mindless, indulgent praise aside, this game does rock, but it could use some improvement.

1. Some people just like power-leveling, especially in a game where EXP is easy to come by. (DON'T CHANGE THIS!) Remove (or else greatly hike up) the level cap for the next chapter, please. I want to power-level to the point where I can anhilliate my enemies with one or two uber-spells or wicked-sick skill combos.

2. Can we please have some single-target offensive spells that don't cost so damn much? I really never used the Explosion spell but for a few times out of boredom (power-leveling when a save point was literally RIGHT THERE), and X-Explosion only once on the final boss (I was unimpressed). Frankly, you get much better use out of your MP by casting Heal and using your regular attack.

3. What was the girl on the train reading?

4. More skills, please. Maybe a triple-stab, or a Double-Slash?

5. The monster animations were kind of sad, except for the darklings and the final boss - more of animations like that! Also, Gus' animations could have used some work.

6. Maybe in addition to his chance at dodging, Gus should have a chance of negating say, a quarter damage by parrying. I always thought he needed an animation where he parried the incoming attack with his rapier. (You could do this the way Super Mario RPG did - hit the button at just the right moment, perform an Active Defend)

7. For the Dodge, how about making it look a bit less stilted? As it is, Gus just kind of takes a step upwards - more like he got shoved out of the way. How about making him jump, or roll, or hit the deck.

8. In addition to the above, perhaps a small chance to actually get in a counter-attack (Maybe at half damage) would be nice?

9. Perhaps some additional attack animations? Not everything should be a single jab - he should also make slashes and cuts, and maybe the odd move where he bashes the enemy with the pommel of his rapier.

10. Probably more work than you want to do, but maybe alter the way Gus looks in combat (if not on the main screen) depending on the equipment he's wearing? Say, make a "Naked Gus" graphic, by which I don't mean a literally naked Gus, but with him wearing only a flowery white shirt, pants, and bare feet - like a pirate. Then apply other graphics layed above him depending on what he's wearing. This would, IMO, help immersiveness. (If you're going to do this, it would also be nice to have Gus' combat portrait on his equipment screen, so you could see what his new threads look like without going and picking a fight.)

11. May I suggest a new Skill, called "Pistol"? An attack which is not greatly powerful - say, (depending on the Pistol you have equipped - more money sinks, yay), it does somewhere between 75%-125% of what Gus does on a normal attack... BUT, after Gus spins around and fires his pistol, he gets another turn immideately. (You know... Like a pirate, he dosen't fight fair. :) )

12. Perhaps add a random chance for a critical attack, or a random chance to make a double attack?

That's all that comes to my mind for now. Make more! This game rocks!

WOOT!!! I <3 this game sooo much!!

This game kicks soo much ass it's unbelievable!! I haven't even finished playing it and I have got to review it!! Though, I have to agree with Davidw5748 that the first boss (the glowing worm), is way too hard to beat right then and there. Other than that... KEEP MAKING MORE!!!

a good time killer