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Reviews for "Max Mesiria Chp2 RPG"

A distinct RPG among so many genaric ones.

I liked the way special skills could be used, as in I can boost and then doubleStrike for X4 damage, but that the skills could only be recarged by save points or leveling was not to my liking.

I liked the art style and the victorian era theme it had going on. Music was good but a bit bland, however you already did so well on the art and design so it would be rather demanding to ask you to make an absolutly perfect soundtrack.

I think that perhaps if you made it so that you can do an action that charges up those points it would feel like a more complete skill set. I think it would be neat if, say, when you chose the guard action you choose one skill to recharge by one point. This would keep boss battles from being a short burst of damage from the player followed by lots of little attacks till it dies.

If you do implement something like the guard-skillcharge maybe make a version that doesen't give a skill point but a def bonus next round, maybe not as strong a def as the round you block though. I would not recomend a (smaller block)-skillcharge though as while it might be balincing it would be less enjoyible that way I think.

Perhaps also have monster give some kind of tell for when they do big attacks so you know when to use block too, that way you arn't just making a bet on if they use a big attack or not.

I think being able to tell how much (or approximatly how much) health the enemy has would be helpfull as well, maybe make a skill that works for 10 rounds or something.

Also, while random encounters are ok, I would prefer if you could see, and perhaps evade enemy groups as you walked around, maybe even be able to sneak up on em and get a bonus round or something.

I might also have seen a glitch where right after the shadow car I saw a room with a hooded guy (Possibly the merchant) for a second and then, well this might be a spoiler so I won't say but I think either I skipped a car or that I just had an almost immediate transition thing.

Also getting exp and earning items feels a bit less rewarding if at each chapter you are given preset stats and eqipment. Maybe have some kind of code given at the end of a chapter that is used at the beginning of the next, though you will need to be carefull how you implement this so that people don't abuse it and get stuff they didn't earn, capping exp for each chapter would probibly be a good idea too so people cannot get codes for amounts of exp that are way too high, letting people know what the cap is would be a good idea if you do this.

Maybe when you finish the series you could also put them all together and eliminate the need for codes, but that would probibly be unnessisary work and very likely over the NG size limit.

Still this was a great game and I enjoyed it, gave it a 4.


Man, I must admit, this game was awesome, I got through the beginning with just a rusty sword killing glowing slimes to leveling up to 15 which is the max level for this chapter sadly... (I wanna become uberly powerful) I died a couple of times, but after I became godly, hehe nothing stomps me, muwhahahaha, and that girl was kinda cute the one that sells herbs and potion, hehe ^.^V but yea, It was worth every little minute that I put into it, I hope you have fun making the rest of the chapter and I will beat your high score!! muwhahahah =p gotta love the story!!


Most frustrating game ever. The first boss, the big mechanical flying thing that shoots lightning, impossible to beat, you gotta make it a bit easier to start off with ffs, i used every damn option, used all the special abilities, used every potion i had and all my magic points and he still wouldnt die, thats just too hard in the beginning.

This Is Truly A Magnificent Piece Of Work!

My breath was taken away from me, when I experienced Mesiria Chapter 2. You have made astounding improvements to the Mesiria Chapter 2. The artwork is beautiful, the animation runs very smoothly, and at a great pace. The music and sounds are very well done; and your new battle theme music is wonderful and never gets old. The new monsters you created are fascinating. And the locations you provided for Mesiria Chapter 2 were truly wonderful and great marbles of beauty.

The introduction of puzzles in Mesiria Chapter 2 made it an even more of a true RPG experience. Even though the game took longer that I hope it would, to be released. I can look back on playing Mesiria Chapter 2; and say that it was worth every second I waited. This is a great example of perfection in a video game. Perhaps now your Mesiria games, your website, and your grand talent will now start receiving the attention they deserve. And again I can only emphasis on what an incredible experience Mesiria Chapter 2 was for me.

I am sorry if I dragged on too much; but know that this was an example of what RPGs should be. So Thank You so much for all your hard work toward Mesiria Chapter 2. I am looking very forward to what you can do next in Mesiria Chapter 3. I wish you the best of luck with your Mesiria series and your website snail animation. And again Thank You for your hard work.


I'm normally not a fan of RPG's but this one is a marvel.Especially for being flash based.You just don't see this kind of dedication very often on a flash game.I remembered your other one so I checked this one out and wasn't dissapointed.

The popping sound that someone was talking about in the electrcution noise is perfect and should stay.It sounds just like live electricity going wild.Whenever I'm running the arc welder theres alot of that popping and spitting so I think it's good.

What I think he meant by customization is that you would be able to add skill points to areas of your choosing.Like after you level up you would be given X amount of points to distribute among strength, defense, or whatever other stats to build your character the way you like.I've always liked that system myself.

Graphics and animation are stellar.They remind me of the old disney stuff where they really concentrated on realism.

Sound was better than the last one in my opinion but the music is a bit repetitive.That's all RPG's pretty much though.

I'm glad it didn't take too much dialog to get into some action.That's why I don't care for most RPG's.You have to click through for half an hour before you get to anything fun.You did great there.