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Reviews for "Armor Games Avalanche"

very fun

nice game, very deep. it has a ton of features and game modes, way more then most games on NG. i was astonished at the amount of effort you put into the character creator alone... i had a blast making a realistic osama bin laden as my avitar ahahaha.

i fooled around with the classic mode before playing the season mode, which was also fun but got insanely frustrating... until i found out you could buy upgrades. after a lot of practice and a level 5 upgrade i beat the season mode and went back to the classic mode so i could get all of the high scores... i ended up getting the top four scores until i got bored. 3965 pounds was my biggest snowball. still working on beating that world record. with a few more upgrades that shouldn't be an issue.

anyways, great and addictive game. good luck in the armorgames contest if this is your entry. if it is, i think you'll be a few thousand bucks richer come May 15th. if this isnt a contest entry, im sure you'll still be getting 250 bucks at the end of this month. a game this deep, advanced, and addicting just cant be overlooked

josh-tamugaia responds:

I always like making games that are deep, but most of the time, the depth is overlooked. But this time, it's not...

I'll go check if I can see your Osama avatar...


A bug that needs fixing though, downgrading gives you $1000 instead of $500, so you can easily upgrade to level 10 as soon as you have $500 by just up and downgrading. Apart from that, great! even better than the first one! (i didn't rate sound due to not having my sound on)

josh-tamugaia responds:

Hmmm... I think I'll leave that bug to be. I mean it may get hard at times, and this is a good way to make it easier. Even at level 10, it can be hard to dodge some stuff.

Thanks for the heads up. I might fix this bug in future though.

New and Fresh...

This was a good game... good graphics (on the people) and good game play! good job keep it up!


I am one in 100,000

I'm going to see how big the ball gets, but right now its at 7,000 and climbing. Damn, this game is awesome. Right, well, the bug isn't fixed, but I'm sure you already knew that. Great game though.

9.5 for eating people muahahahahahahaha

i like to eat the people muahahaha i think the remroll could use a little work buying it does not seem to improve i held the tamugoi trophy for a loooooooooong time good work keep it up and remember to watch foamy every day