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Reviews for "Fadgrounds"

I agree

I decided to protect this one to get the message out, but it's true. Clocks, locks, glocks, etc. are ruining the portal. What people don't seem to understand is that Newgrounds can only have so much of it, and when space is taken up by crap we loose the chance to see very good, well worked submissions. Take more pride in blamming the crap and protecting what is good. And when in doubt, just blam it. At least 60% of your blam/protect points should be blams.

Hoogiman responds:

Your brain is an ever changing kaleidoscope of moods and colours
We walk in the park but it's melting in the dark
All of a sudden your mood changes and your face looks like a cake left out in the rain
Is your name MacArthur Parker? Or is it Reba?
Detour thru your mind. Supersaver to your mind

We seem to float by yesterday's child. The new you.
The land time forgot and a horse with no mane
As we go further into the gloom, we chance upon a large orange room
A key pops out of your nose. We open the door
And all of a sudden we realise that we are no more

From ear to ear. From here to now
I hear another galaxy spinning around
Who am I? Where am I going? How much will it cost?

A flash of blinding light and we're in an elegantly appointed doctor's office
It seems that Doctor Aron Butterfly wants to dip us in plaster and use us for bookends
We say to the doctore, "No. Please. No!"
And then we get the doctor's bill. What a shock!
$16,000! And all he wanted to do was dip us in plaster!

Detour thru your mind. Supersaver to your mind

Who am I?
Where have I been?
Where am I going?
DO I need any luggage?

(Drug-free altered mindscapetalk)

I need to leave my past behind
I need to leave my behind in the past

Backwards message: I buried my parakeet in the backyard. Oh no, you're playing the record backwards. Watch out, you might ruin your needle.

:{ i dunno if i like it or not

like... i like it but... like... it was in between boring and good
the word shud gt out do so im votin 3

Hoogiman responds:



Ill follow your advice. I wont vote five on this.

Hoogiman responds:



... people vote high for something you don't like, and automatically there's something wrong with them? Don't you think that could come off as just a little arrogant?

I agree that a lot of crap gets high scores when it shouldn't (Neurotically Yours, Silent Hill CE, anything by Legendary Frog, most sprite movies), but this movie just makes you look like a jackass who thinks he's better than everyone else.

I agree with your position and feel your anger on a day to day basis, but I think your message could have been funnier and come across better without the angry attitude.


Hoogiman responds:

There wasn't any angry attitude through making this movie. :|