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Reviews for "Lost Rhapsody 2"

Very goof

I think this was really good, however I have not watched lost so possibly did not get the lonks

CapnBob responds:

Worse is the fact that I have spoiled all the major events for you, so if you do go back to watch the show you won't be surprised by anything. WHAT HAVE I DONE? OH NOES.

Not bad, nice video style

I missed the last part, I blinked

Worth checking out for the opening scene only

That's why i gave the flash a 7, for the nice graphics in that opening scene.

I thought some knid of ridiculously underground hardcore trance techno would play and the flash would skyrocket in a dark mood from there, but no.

Some bullshit loser starts singing witha gay ass voice and the fucking song sucks.

With that drawing talent you could've made this into something seriously fucking deep and excellent. Wasted potential...

CapnBob responds:

Umm... sure, I guess I could have done that... except hardcore trance techno has nothing to do with the show. And it also kinda sucks. And doing a dramatic tribute to a drama show is kinda redundant and retarded. You'll figure that out when you get older, I hope.


Heres how i felt through out the entire thing:

Right in the start it was so sweet. something i never thought i would see in a flash anamation. awsome!

Then the Wierd Al starts... damn... the anamation gets a bit shotty and lame there is one or two bits that are good but the musice get on my nervs to much to actually enjoy it. I didnt HATE it. I like that i saw all of my "memories" form Lost all in a 5 minute (guess) clip. I just found it wierd to see four of them dressed as babies in the zoo cage. I also cant say the music SUCKED cuz i have to admit that i kinda like Wierd Al, but it did get annoying and i felt kinda shamed to watch.

Then when the end came it went back to the awsomeness it was at the start.

You really have something for youself in flash. if you could make a video of you and your friends doing something and then did what you did with the beguining and ending clips (cuz there is no way you did that by yourself ^_^) you might have something.

oh yea and whats with all the numbers flashing up? i must of cought like 10 or 12 of them.

CapnBob responds:

You're kind of missing the point a bit... which is probably my fault for not making the middle section with the song crappy or silly enough. I guess I should have made an even larger contrast for the joke to work, but not everyone's going to get it anyway. And you don't remember Charlie and his band dancing in the giant playpen wearing diapers for that commercial? I'm not sure how anyone could forget that part.

Trendsetting animation in the intro

The intro was amazing to me. Some of the most fluid, realistic animation that I've seen on Newgrounds thus far. I can see why a couple of folks thought that it was that 3D digital rotoscoping technique done in "A Scanner Darkly," the effect is very similar. It obviously takes a dip into Monty Pythonish parody once the record spins, but I had to watch the beginning a couple times just to catch some of the tricks that you used. Really, really impressive stuff.

CapnBob responds:

Thanks. I did some insane stuff in the beginning, especially when you consider this is a flash 6 movie and I don't have access to any of the nifty blur effects in flash 8. Seriously, I should have my head examined for individually animating each groove in the record. What was I thinking???