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Reviews for "Lost Rhapsody 2"


Great job! Nice Monty Python touch at the end.

CapnBob responds:

Thank you!

The last scene rotoscope had this thing with Sayid

where his head stayed completely still without changing expression but the body moved. Now this is obviously due to the tedium that is rotoscoping, but it just bugs me.

Absolutely brilliant intro and outro, and the middle had its moments (Hurley looked a bit off throughout the movie.) But regardless of flaws, overall it is a great mix of rotoscope and humor.

It's better than Bowmaster, at any rate.

CapnBob responds:

Actually... the only part of the end that was properly rotoscoped was Sayid's legs. I took as many shortcuts as I could there. That said.. if you go back to the original video, his expression never really changes in that scene anyway. He does all of his emoting with body language.

EXCELLENT... or maybe I'm just stoned?

Simply put: Best use of Lost, Weird Al, and an unbelievable style of animation. Not only can I not wait for the end of season 3 for my questions to be answered, but just to see another masterpiece from you.

CapnBob responds:


I'll give you "meaning"

You were pretty much an asshole to sudsysniper, so let me define this flash's lack of "meaning" for you:

The opening was interesting to watch, but sadly, I guess that was the rotoscoped part. And then it was pretty much a slideshow of random situations with people singing along, and made me wonder what the point was, except to create a bunch of scenes relating to the song's lyrics yet appeared to all be irrelevant. Therefore, it had no meaning.

My advice: use your own creativity. Unless you rotoscoped the beginning, which I'm afraid you have, you have a great talent, and this flash only undermines it. But don't bash folks who are only trying to be helpful.

CapnBob responds:

Nice attempt at a troll, but you fail to address why his sense of the word "meaning" has any relevance to a silly fan video meant to amuse people who are intimately familiar with Lost. The main "meaning" is: "here's something silly to amuse and hopefully entertain fans of the show while it's on hiatus." Maybe you missed that one. You also completely miss the meta-joke of the video, which is the only place that a more universally "meaningful" comment would be intended. Come back and try again when you figure out what the numbers mean, kid.

Your definition of "only trying to be helpful" looks suspiciously like "only trying to find irrelevant crap to be a jerk about."


dude to that aragorn guy i think tht was so down 2 earth i have 2 say i luv u i love lost and i love locke :P

CapnBob responds:

Locke is my favorite! I miss Eko, though. Thanks!