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Reviews for "Xeno's Phoenix Wrong 5"

really good, but could use tweaking

I appreciate the fact that you added a play and replay button. The skits are great, but you could use more different stuff. Try finding some really obscure but funny quotes and use them as well. I think your flashes really just need to be longer, so you can throw in some more stuff.

If I could help you understand why the lip-sync is perfect on some computers (my sister's laptop for instance) while not on others (my desktop mac at home), I would. I simply have no clue why it does that.

Tweak some stuff and you could be at least as good as the original.

Chipmunk S.O.A.D. = Epic Win

Need I Say More?

A good laugh

Burn-In-Hell I suggest you actually listen to the songs before you say he is wrong, the song is in fact from Disturbed - Get Pyscho. You were right Xeno not this douche.

Xenolord responds:

Actually, Burn-In-Hell was right. The song you're thinking about is "Meaning of Life".

I have to agree with the last guy

VTM Bloodlines for the win!

It was good but....

The only thing i didn't like about this was that darned frog.
But the rest of it was pretty good. Keep up the good work.