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Reviews for "DotVille deluxe"

Nice one

Nice little game :)

To those have troubles to beat it and are looking in the reviews for a guide or something, here is my way to play:

0) general advices
- don't bother with mines and smithies.
- taxe rate at 35 avoid troubles.
- symbols are expensive and not a must to beat the game, you can ignore that part
- to make your dots happy, food rate at 30 (once you can handle that) is the best way

1) The start
- Go for 1 market place and 1 farm
- Then build enough farms to handle your population
- If you have a bad start (events wise), lower taxe rate to get at least 10 happy dots

2) Marketplaces
- Build up to 200 marketplaces while taking care of the farms (each time you don't produce enough food, build some farms). As a side note, having a huge safety storage will come to use later (when raising food rate).

3) Happy!
- Now start building up to 200 farms as well, while raising food rate accordingly. Having the food rate at 30 is the best way to make your dots happy (luxury), and it will be faster and faster.

4) Rounds 40-50
- Time to start building fortresses, you need 10 of them at round 50.
- Save as much money as you can

5) Round 50
- Your dots should be way more happy than needed, lower the food rate until you are confident that you can sell all the food you stored, and do that.
- Spend half your money in buying weapons
- Spend the other half to raise your army(should be around 3000 soldiers)

6) Final fight
Good luck :P

Hope it helps.

finefin responds:

nice guide! thanks! but some of these hints won't work in the updated version which i will upload soon...

just a fun type of game

I like this game because I like all text based games like this. There was a game when I was in elementary school called lemonade stand where all you did was run a lemonade business on your street. You could advertise and other fun stuff. Anyway my point is I have always and will always love games that work and play like this one. I don't need fancy graphics and other pretty stuff to win I just need regular old text and a fun story line to play. BTW I don't have speakers on this comp. You should really think about making another one of these games.

finefin responds:

it seems we are tuned to the same wavelength :D
If I'd make another game like this, it would take place in space, I think :/

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the shizzle

i can't get enough of this game, especially the little cut-scenes like, unhappy because the drains are clogged(that ones me favorite :D) it is a bit hard, but wwere would the fun be if it wasn't

Nice, but diffecult

It was a good game, but kinda hard to beat. Getting happiness of 400 and a level 10 fortress is incredibly hard. I was able to get the level 10 fortress by building a lot of marketplaces, but ended up with 100 happy which was far from enough. And so I lost the game cause I wasn´t an emperor.

When I was aiming on happiness and bought symbols and stuff like that, I didn´t had enough money for the castle upgrades. The more money I tried to get, the more expensive those symbols became (over 80.000 bucks at one point), and the upgrades just didn´t gave enough. And also, all those protesting thingies suddenly did -37 or something. So I lost the game again. It seemed to me that whatever you are aiming for, it was always at the cost of something else.

And food is the most diffecult thing in my opinion, since it is very random how much food you get every round. When I bought a lot of farms, the population seemed to rise even quicker, so it didn´t helped that much and I only got in trouble with the happiness factor.

So I really have no idea, what the best strategy is to win this game if it is even possible to win it. The only thing I did not have trouble with was with the army size, cause I just sold everything I had in the last round and bought weapons and soldiers in return. But I really wouldn´t mind if you made it a little bit easier, by giving us some more rounds or something. The rest of the game was pretty good, nice graphics and stuff and a nice idea, but the diffeculity was just annoying and it´s a bit dissapointing if you lose the game over and over again.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Well I still liked the game though, and even if it is a little dissapointing losing the game all the time, I still keep trying so I guess it´s quite addicting. I hope you can make it a bit easier, keep up the good work and good luck with your next flashes.