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Reviews for "Clans at War"


this shit makes me so fucking sick. this guy made this piece of shit by TRACEING! yes, traceing a bunch of very very good PAINTINGS done by my favorite fantasy arist "brom". the fact that this is on the MAIN PAGE of newgrounds is horrible! all he did was copy the pictures then move 1 arm by rotateing it to the left! the REAL artists site is www.bromart.com ... the book by brom that has the pictures this guy STOLE is called Darkwerks! the only good thing about this is that it shows the guy has good taste in artists. but the fact that he STOLE his pictures and used them without giving him credit AT ALL shows that he's just a piece of shit. that wolf guy that chops the other guys head off is on the fucking COVER of the book!


StenFLASH responds:

I drew those pictures. I don't fuckin trace. Read the comment I left in my in my 'Description'.


I'm with "FacelessNobdy" (whoever THAT arsehole is). The maker of this shit says he put in a "lot of hard work" on the graphics? What that fuck's he talking about. How much work can (bad) tracings be?? The prick even has the audacity to claim copyright?? Stan, are you out of your fucking mind? You can't "copyright" other people's art! Didn't you know that? You must now turn in your crayons, and stop posting this trash. You're lucky you're not trying to make money with this garbage, as that would be illegal and then we could really go after your wanna-be, loser ass.

StenFLASH responds:

I don't trace, I DRAW.

Sigh. Give it up spiderclone

I love how he keeps justifying the fact that he STOLE brom's work and redid it. "I was just using it as a guide" Blah blah blah. If he was just using it as a guide and didnt look at it to draw his pics, then it wouldnt be so incredibly similar, down to tiny details go to http://www.newgrounds.com/port al/view.php?id=35618 (remove the random space) This will show you how much of a liar he is.

See below

Spiderclone, dude.... im sorry to tell you this but where im from we have a saying for people like you. "FUCK YOU YOU POSER"

i mean seriously, its one thing to say that your
"creating" a series using Brom's artwork, but its another thing entirely to claim that you are so fucking talented (haha) and are merely using Brom as a guideline. my ass! admit it dude, you stole Gerald Brom's shit and you should grow some balls and come up with your own shit.


God that sucked.

Man, I never usually write reviews but I couldn't let this one go by...That was horrible god, nothing happened, I don't care if it IS a trailer. That was easily the worst movie I've seen this month.