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Reviews for "Broken Saints Chapter 2"

I can see why.

The more I watch of the this series the more I really get pissed off at it. You are using an unoriginal style of anime. It is always following the same pattern of captions filled with deep meaning and LOTS of BOLD words. It is begining to piss me off. I can sort of see why it is a fan favourite because it actually had something happening in it and the character seems slightly humanised. However you really have no Idea how to creat tension. Watch evangelion for example. It has some of the most intense scenes in anime history and they are all in front of a computer screen ! You have failed to create any sort of action. Your characters are so unbeleiveable, even if this character swears and comments on his job people still do not talk as if they are writing for some kind of poem. Stop and think of some kind of style and make it your own not some thing that shows you have whatched every thing ever in anime form ! Way too long for a preaty weak story. A member of NG is not interested in the inner workings of characters, just thier actions (be it shooting someone etc). On to the compliments. You are the best drawer and the slight tinkering with flash, although little make this a great flash comic book. The music and sounds were great too. All I am saying is that this series mabye doesnt belong on newgrounds. You will no doubt go far with it but mabye you wont get the praise deserved here at NG. Keep it up. Sorry to all of you who love this series and yes I have never made a flash movie on NG but I still have an opinion.


Why do I keep doing this to myself?? I watched the second one thinkin maybe it might be much better than the first. That's like takin a sip from the milk container an goin "UGH! This is Sour!" then puttin it back in the fridge hopin it'll be better tomorrow.
And once again, I find myself in the minority in not liking this series. Reminds me of one of those ritzy parties where everyone is tryin to be all cool. Someone popular makes a bad joke and everyone tries to beat everyone else at laughing and gushing over it. lol, pretty damn funny. I'll leave everyone to go back to their grazing now.

what about...

what about some animation?? it's o.k. but with real movements it's would be excelent...
i like your stile, it's a little scarry and the suspence is nearly stressing... :-P
it think it could be a comic (or manga?) if it isn't rigth now.


that was a good movie, but still lasted 2 long

What a disappointment

What the heck? Was that supposed to be artistic? The ridiculously hashed "poetic" words at the beginning made me laugh. What is this, junior high poetry class? Ooh! Artsy shit! Wow, it looks like SOMEONE knows how to use a scanner. Am I supposed to grasp some vague nihilistic sense of reality from this "movie"? All your poetical idiocy and little quasi-anime scanned sketches made for one severely lacking movie. Oh! I suppose I'm supposed to be impressed with the hacker talk in there? Or am I supposed to wow at your completely vague and ridiculous grasp of reality? And what the FUCK was that about buildings "copulating with the stars"? That's not artistic, asswipe, that's moronic.