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Reviews for "StarCraft: Infestation"

much better then i expected

this is much better then the last one cause it was more like 3-D then before and it look much better but, why should he die?!!

LogFish responds:

Why should who die? Re-read your reviews, make sure they make sense or noone can respond to them :)


Ahh another great episode to the seris, keep up the good work!

LogFish responds:


Great Job but...

Great Job Logfish. There is one thing though...sorry if this has been menchoned before but I lack patinince to read every post, back when Stevens got the flamethrower, shouldn't it have been duel hand-mounted flamethrowers, or was it an old model that Matheson had around.
Also what is your Starcraft name, maybe I can play with/against you one day.

LogFish responds:

Take a guess what my SC nickname is :)

However I am getting harassed by some people on Bnet these days so I am fairly rude on there when I'm on, sorry - I don't know if you know what it's like to be followed around bnet no matter where you are, it's pretty annoying. It's be less annoying if they were harassing me, but it's hard to be rude to someone who just wants to play with you heh.

You're the first person to say anything about the flamethrower which suprises me - I was holding that up as an example of the things people complain about, 'i wonder how many people will bitch about the single-shot flamethrower' - turns out there's only one - you! hehe.


Episode 6 is called starcraft: culmination. It's release date is currently unknown but I do know that in this episode, either the UED or prometheans are know helping the squad in defeating the zantaboan with a new destroyer class battlecruiser called "The Hammer".

LogFish responds:

I actually know that, considering I wrote the source you got that from, heh. Glad you enjoy the show! Thanks for your enthusiasm


All I'm gonna say... When's the next one coming out?!