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Reviews for "Shooting Zeros"


im sorry! but this is shit, i appologise for being so blunt but i have to be honest, i realy think that it doesnt deserve to be labled as techno, i think you need to do some research on what techno music is and what is sounds like.
this needs bass
some more rythmic patterns
lots of effects
a decent drum beat
and lots of work

i personaly wish i could give this -10/10

Cuzone responds:

Do you really consider yourself up to the task of defining what is techno and what isn't?

hahaha sorry but...

I can't stop laughing at this XD

Cuzone responds:

And your review of the track is?

Liking or disliking the song is a matter of personal opinion, but at last, give some real input why you like it or not.

This track sucks.

I hate it, my god, how did you not go deaf making it, the lead is way too high and too loud, and it's something that'd take most people 10 minutes to make.
Any one who can take a second of this is tonedeaf as hell.

It's like one lead synth then arp and drums goind hit, hithit, hit hithit, hit, hithithit, hit hithithit. I could give 2 years olds a snare drum and a keyboard and it'd be more tolerable. I think half the people who posted saying they liked it are trolling, if not I think you might be for even uploading it.
Oh and the synth sounds themselves suck horribly too.

It's like a parady of that gawdawful music from that one bus game in the 80s.

Cuzone responds:

This answer is actually two answers, one is written by me (Cuzone) and another by Timraband. No, i'm not schizophrenic, we're really two guys sharing the same NewGrounds account.

- Cuzone Answer -

Well, I wasn't trolling when I posted the song, thats for sure. About other people, I can't talk for them.
Now tell me, whats the point of trying to offend me with "2 yo can make better", "if anyone likes they are trolling"?

Now, have you heard that the peak of complexity is simplicity? Maybe thats why some people enjoy the song so much. Other's don't, and thats ok, as a musician I got my hits and misses.

Now, what I really don't get is why some people, like you, seem so angry about this song. Coming here with tongue-in-cheek jokes and rudeness; Really uncalled for.

Anyway, about the high and loud lead: My amps go 11, the idea was to make a real loud synth-lead, that i'm pretty sure, by now, that I've accomplished it.


- Timraband Answer/Opinion -

Well, after reading this very rude review, I had to go to your profile to see who you are. Maybe you are Quincy Jones in disguise! Maybe you are an undiscovered genius waiting to be heard.

You aren't either of those things. You disappointed me, son. You suck. Your music has no creativity, your music has no bounce, your music sounds like you are trying to plagiarize someone. Your "most popular" song of 2010, Retro Gamer, has the most horrendous use of a brass synth I've ever heard in my life. I was very unlucky to also randomly click a tune of yours named Techno Fever, which was so generic and random, it made me wish evolution hadn't happened.

I understand your comparison of my songwriting method to a 2-year-old smashing a keyboard now that I've listened to your music, because your shit is so square, it can't make anybody dance. So, whenever anyone uses syncopation or tries to give bounce to a song, you feel like it's wrooooong! Way to play by the rules, dickwad. Try some syncopation next time.

PS: It's "parody". Also, gb2 e/b/aums.


As soon as this started to play I was cringing. WTF? I can see how all of the 10-13 year olds would like this, but this is seriously bad. I seriously think my ears are bleeding after hearing this. I could make something better in 20 minutes. Also I hate to break it to you, but stratkat's music it 100X better than this piece of crap right here, which probably only got top 5 due to the other cheaters in the top 5 zero bombing everything else, therefor leaving a hole for this piece of crap to somehow be here.

Cuzone responds:

Do you know what else sucks? Your review.
You didn't really talked about the song, you were so busy talking about how you can make a better song and how much you love stratkat, that you forgot to tell us your opinions and criticisms;

And really, what do age groups have to do with liking or not the song? So you're saying that the only people that like this song, like because they're young? really, thats low and stupid.

First: Because you think that younger people's opinions weight less than older's people, that just plain dumb prejudice.
Second: Well, it's just plain prejudice.


what the hell is this piece of shit and how did it get onto the top 5?!!? seriously after 5 seconds of listening to it the main melody made me want to claw out my ears. Please never submit anything like this ever again this belongs in a toilet. Please at least think of a less fucking annoying melody! jeez give NG that at least.