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Reviews for "Bad Guys In Space"


that was a great one
your flash rules


dear god when the little guys started stabbing themselves and eachother saying that they were beautiful inside i couldnt stop laughing

I'm Beautiful Inside!!

I love the accents! Pure genius in the membrane! A quality flash for the archive. It seemed like it was delicately tossed together. The animation is very fluid and just begs to be feasted on. I hope to see more of these characters and your wit. Thank you.

Hey Chris, welcome back to the community!

I managed to catch your previous submission and hadn't expected you'd finally get this piece finished (let alone so quickly). I can imagine that the revival on your forums over the past 24 hour has been...legendary.

I'm impressed that you managed to keep the cartoon centered around the actual "Bad Guys" instead of the Green/Blue Guys. But you know, the strangest thing happened halfway through: I felt myself missing your trademark songs, diddies, and jingles. You've got talent for music, my friend, and although the first Bad Guys was devoid of it, I've been spoiled by your know-how. If there is anything I would have had done differently, it would have been to add a few more spacey songs of true Nosal caliber. One or two just wasn't enough to sate my appetite.

Anyway, glad you're still alive, Chris. Power to the people.


ChrisNosal responds:

Not sure I'd call it quick. heh. I actually started this thing around January, or possibly late December. It was just on and off, mostly off for a while. Just needed people such as yourself to kick me in the ass. And I hope to keep things more regular now.

I'll keep the music in mind. I do enjoy making it.


Different, but still great.

This one is certainly different from the rest. The humor was changed (somewhat) to incorporate a more existent storyline. However, this was a nice change and allowed for a greater scope of quality. Also, the fact that you added more frames between key positions made the animation a lot smoother. Oh, it was an amazing musical score and superb voice acting. In other words, awesome story and visuals, but still incredibly funny. I love your work. Keep them coming.