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Reviews for "Z Ball - Phase2"


Good job! Although why the fuck I couldnt go more up, and it was WAY too fast

KynetiK-27 responds:

Your physical ability increases as you levelup, the higher your level, the more air time you can achieve.
Being in lieue with streetfighter and dragonball, its supposed to be fast and challenging, based on reflexes and accuracy.

Amazingly fast paced...

I got to give you props, this is a great game. Cant wait for the full release. It took me a while to get it, i had to go though the tutorial like 3 times, it would have been better if you would have made it in steps. Like tell you some thing and then let you try it out and when you get it right it moves on to the next thing. Also some things came up twice in it as well. Another thing i would like to see is stats upgrade and the like, so when we beat someone in arcade mode we can invest in certain things earlier, like being able to fly. Hopefully you follow some of the other peoples suggestions on modes and stuff. Once again a great game, now get to work on the full release :p

KynetiK-27 responds:

Your stats increase in arcade mode, but in next version you will unlock special moves, weapon etc
TY for your review


can u realese a beta for this game???

KynetiK-27 responds:

I always considered this a beta version of sorts :S

This flash is fairly old now. ZBALL X is the latest rendition of the engine, and is much more substantial. I will consider making a tutorial and alpha fla of the basic Zball engine if there exists demand for it.

Pretty Good

I made it to level 12. The gameplay was fast and exciting but it takes a long time to get used to. Maybe a less steep learning curve? All in all it was great.

KynetiK-27 responds:

Excellent, Level 12 Warrior - you must be Saiyan.
Learning curve is supposed to be hard. Games should never have an easy mode. they should be so challenging, to conquer them would make you a god-like otaku.


I love it, it's so taxing and the learning curve is too high. A two player mode would rock. I've spent about 40 mins playing it now, I got to level 18 by cheating and level 7 by playing normally, sometimes the opponent glitches into not getting up until you hit them, and sometimes my character disapeared completely, leading to me restarting. Awesome game though, add 2 player mode!

KynetiK-27 responds:

A level 7 Warrior, adept rank, well done.
interesting glitch, i knew of the enemy one but this vanishing player is new. im guessing you were hit with such force that your sprite missed the walls entirely..hmm...
I would add a 2 player mode if i had a clue about flash and network code, but ill do my damned best to learn.