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Reviews for "Joe Zombie :: Episode 6"

waited too long for not much..

i used to be a huge fan of the joe zombie series, but as i grew in taste in animation, i guess i came to realize that this has not real story. you have potential, but should move on from stick animation, it just holds people back. trust me, i know. it's a fad and people get over it quickly. you do however have good cinematic skills in how to place cameras and scenes, a great start. i guess i was just dissapointed by this movie after waiting for... how long... at least 2 years.

anywhoo, hope the finaly is better, this is an ok start

Good Cinematics... Lose the sticks... Its 2006

Okay, i think sticks are good to start out with, but eventually it is time to move on to more exciting means of art. The Psuedo 3D is cool, but too much of it can ruin it, andit came close. Just lose the sticks...its 2006


I don't see what the big deal is about this series. Rob's animation is mostly tweened, and the only walking/running he does are 3-4 frame cycles. His sticks, set at thickness 1, are very ugly and his animating his choppy in general. In fact, it almost looks like you copied the animation style of the guy at stickdeath (I don't know who he is because I've only been there a few times and I don't like his movies either).

However, its not all bad. Your cinematics, voice acting, and plot development are pretty good and they are what keep this series interesting.

But come on, atleast try learning how to animate. Or maybe you should ask someone like Master Samus to do it for you. Now he would make a good Joe Zombie movie...

Rob-D responds:

You pretty much summed up the entire point of Joe Zombie in that second paragraph.

Thanks for playing!

It's good, uh, for a stick figure flash.

The fluid action, 3D graphics and voice acting all set this apart from a lot of other action-based stick figure flash cartoons but... #1 at the portal?

It's nice animation and you obviously know how to make something flow cinematically, but in the end, this cartoon (or, more specifically, this episode) is just a flashier version of a dozen cliched ideas stuffed together.

I know it's stupid, but I think I would have liked it more if the animation were more... fleshed out? The whole stick figure style just turns me off, I guess.

I can tell a lot of effort and talent went into this, though, so I'm sure you're not confined to such productions. This wasn't really my slice of pie but I expect you'll do better things in the future.

Ha ha i noticed that they run funny

oh my god that was the coolest one yet. its good that you changed the voices from like a stephen hawking sounding voice to a normal voice. if you have no idea what im talking about watch #1 of jz and listen to the blue guys in the cemetary and then episode 3. ok just one more thing does joe keep saying die or hi or something else? please write back with a answer.