Best line is below
I say this is an outrage!
lol That is all I can say.
Shadow Dinosaur
Dark jurassic Night Fiend
Best line is below
I say this is an outrage!
lol That is all I can say.
Shadow Dinosaur
Dark jurassic Night Fiend
oh noes
the material and your own
++ Liked the idea.
-- Though I was hoping that the role reversal would be explored a bit more.
I actually thought it'd be about tanks controlling the men's heads or something. Something zany and surreal like that. I just felt that simply anthropomorphising the tanks was a bit 'easy' and slightly predictable.
+++ The speedy part had me chuckling slightly.
++ The ending is all you.
Manages to be faithful both to the material and your own style.
They're just tanks. It's like asking a horse to fix an iPod.
why is it that every tankmen pardoy makes fun off it using the word penis and cock and other words just because that one with the cock joke and the one where they compare penis is funny doesnt mean everyone else can do it this is toward any authors who might read this you suck yo bad to make up your own idea cmon get creative god damn
Because that's the only thing that can really be poked fun of in that series
Y'know some "anthropomorphs" giggled until you strated road-killing them. At least until you made that finishing joke, about the shoes... then I smiled widely and decided to waste time letting you know. Great flash, and great humor. And I pray to god you never lay witness to some fan-made flash of you and your "girlfriend"... dear god... I wish it'd burn for it's horridness.
What do you mean "girlfriend" >=(
You hit the nail right on the head with this one!