This makes me feel all hollow... :(
This makes me feel all hollow... :(
u.u speechless!
So touching... so sad story, wishing this doesn't happen to nayone around the world. Though, cancer is becoming a very tragic illness. u.u
words cannot express how beautiful this flash animation is
missing one thing
its missing a bigger follow up. you need to make it a bit longer and concentrate on the follow up, describe more of their history and something they went through together are something. it will make people care more wen they figure out she gonna die. but other then that it was perfect, good music good graphics and a pretty good plot. can't wait for your next submision
I always thought oldies were goodies...!
Hey, I'm still browsing thorough your works! I must say that you really know how to use your stuff well. I watched the Asi- Dream Fairy first and it felt quite strange to see him here. But you managed to pull it off with this character. It was also as if the music was made for this flash! I really compliment you for your work! Keep it up and keep 'em coming! ^_^