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Reviews for "Clock Tournament"


Too hard the game play isn't enjoyable. It just makes me laugh to see strawberr yclock shooting people. <3


This game is VERY boring. i dont think it should be on the main page.


Enemies can kill you in 3 seconds flat!! That's bullsh*t!! Next time make sure the enemy's accuracy isn't 100% accurate!! I don't care if it makes it more "challenging". People like it when it's kinda easy and a little hard!

it has potential, but it needs lotsa work

all the guns are slow or just plain sucky, and they do crap for damage, so, im sittin here blasting away at some bitch with a machine gun, where he just takes a pistol and kills me practically one hit! All the enemies are against each other, but they hardly ever shoot at each other. i tried to look at the instructions, but they were so slow, i didnt want to sit there forever just figuring out how to shoot and stuff, and i think i speak for many people when i say that you should make the instructions on a screen that you can read without waiting for that long. Oh, and anther thing, when you said it was like worms, worms is a tactical war game, this is a shoot em up. learn to tell the difference

cableshaft responds:

1) The weapons have different strengths and weaknesses. The Mp5 does crap for damage, but shoots quickly and has decent accuracy. The Thompson is much more powerful, but a bit slower and more inaccurate. Plus with a machine gun you should be holding back, spraying, and dodging their single shots, not running straight into the guy so you don't have room to dodge their bullets. And hey, if it still isn't enough for you, that's why I put in the DOUBLE DAMAGE cheat.
2) They shoot whoever is closest. Apparently you're barreling into them, making them target you instead of the other guys. It's funny, before I weakened their aim somewhat, they were killing each other in deathmatch before you even had a chance to kill more than one or two people.
3) Wow, too impatient for about a minute of instructions, most of which is in the first 30 seconds? All the keys were default FPS keys anyway though.
4) I know you hate to read, but it did say "SIMILAR to a REAL TIME (as opposed to turn based) Worms." I chose that game because most people are familiar with it, and there ARE similarities. This is a fast-paced action shooter though, not a tactical sim, you're right.

....so because of that it was only worth a 1, huh?


This game is bad because it copied soldats game and the sound and everything and its just a copy!