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Reviews for "Tomorrow's Nobodies Ep.5"

I've said it before,

TN is the most professionally produced series on newgrounds, but you guys can't get passed the immature and easy jokes.

I was really hoping this would be good, I wanted it to be, but I found myself kind of bored and there was no real plot. Everything felt like it was setup for a good ending, but it was a total cop-out.

Live action stuff in flashes never work out, it breaks the reality of the series and makes the whole production seem worse.

Tomorrows Nobodies is still better than College University (which doesn't even attempt to make jokes), but what you really need in the series is to come back to the ground every once in a while for realism. I know this is only one review out of a sea of "I LOVE YOU!!!"s, but I think that you guys should spend more itme on writing the actual episodes, and try to be clever instead of random.

Chase: Keep up the good work as far as animation, but youyr character is really uneeded and drags down the series as far as I can see. You're just a pothead version of David who there is occasionally thrown half a fat joke at. If you want the series to be as good as possible, cut out Chase and replace him with a made up character who chase could even voice who is more dynamic.

Hell, while you guys are at it you could cut out Chris, eric is already the straight-man to David's craziness, and I think that TN as a series could pretty much be scrapped.

You guys as a group have plenty of potential to make another better series that has characters instead of rough characterizations of yourselves. I think if you guys worked hard enough you guys COULD make something television-worthy, but this definitely isn't it.

Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

You're wrong.

jump the shark

When you include live action video to supplement your animation the series has officially jumped the shark

Great graphics, but otherise not the best

Well I must say I am impressed with your graphics in this episode. It's one of the best here on newgrounds. Sadly, however, that's one of the only things I'm impressed with.

You don't seem to have much of a storyline at all. The humor is childish and immature. I mean come on I don't know what all of you see in joking about Jewish people. Oh wow you said Jew hah... just no. If that is what is getting you the most laughs that's pretty sad. Just my opinion, however. Some people may like crude humor, but I don't take to it.

The sound was just ok. There was nothing really unique about it but it was decent. I'd suggest trying to get some different types of sound into the episodes.

So basically try and improve the humor and maybe add some more sound and you'll have a much better flash video.

it was funny

it was funny but i think the last part was a little wierd.

that was nice, very, but...

bThat was good, i thought it was very funny.
but around the ending... it was not so great, in fact it made the comedy turn in to terror!!! blagh.
But I still liked it so it was good enough to pass my hummor.

Ps. I thing the animated characters look better than the real thing... though it was kind of blurry, honnestly, that beard needs to be taken care of. It is weird. wait, what am I saying, forget everything I said in this paragraph, Ok.