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Reviews for "TooF Military Intel"

Future of the series

I'm just curious if this series is going to end soon or reinvent itself. I mean, you're doing all right with the limits inherent to the series, but eventually it's going to need to change, otherwise become stale and repetitive.

The mouth theme is gimmicky, and for a two minute cartoon, it seems to work, but eventually it will get tiresome, if it hasn't already. The characters never leave the mouth, don't seem to have goals or ambitions, and don't really do anything warranting a desire to follow them from week to week. Of course, this is necessary due to the gimmick, however with such limitations, the series can never develop dynamic characters, or plots, be they complex or simple. The best it can manage is a series of gags based on minor development or premises. (Or racial stereotypes)

Of course, I'm sure you know all this, and never intended the series to get really in-depth or complex. And I'm sure you'll be able to judge when the time is right to retire or change the series. For now though, you might as well keep it up as long as people are enjoying it.

better, but still not as good as it could be...

throw in some cool plot twists or something, like plaque things...if you leave it as just teeth it might get kinda boring, but if you throw in some new characters, whether its in one two, or six more episodes, i think it would do much better.

i mean, just look at mario...it has tons of movies coming out with just the same few characters, but i think the toof series has too few of a variety. try and get a smaller plot into it by adding a couple other characters!

just try it and see if people like that a bit more...


I'm not one to get on all the hype or... anti-hype, but I've gon eback and watched all your TooF episodes. they just aren't that funny, honestly. Fart jokes and bleeped swears. That about sums it up.

I do feel that all the bad press you've been getting is way over the top. It's not that big of a deal if you have a certain way to animate. Hell, tweening cuts way down on time and time is of the essence. I know I put tons more hours into each one of my Flashes and I have no reason to be pissed at you, that makes no sense. I wish I could go a LOT faster.

I do wish you would spice things up a bit, though. Less bleeps (they seriously get annoying after a little while), more detail in the teeth and mouth, maybe even a few more voices. The VA Forums have great voice actors. Get some female voices over there to switch some things up.

I like the commentary option, but it went on a bit long. The answering back to fans was cool, but also a bit long.

Good luck to you. I hope you can find a new niche for these teeth and what they do. A trip to the dentist, brushing, eating... Something. Think of all the things our mouth does and try to encorporate one here and there.


Just about like purgatory.

It's not that good but not that bad. Mildly whitty. Animation is that of someone who has taken at least 20 minutes playing around in flash. Not the worst it could be, but definitly not the best. Exactly like purgatory.

It was OK...

The animation was simple yet sorta good, I guess. SOME of the jokes made me CUCKLE, not laugh. All in all your series is a 5 not good yet not bad, although it could use a lot of improvment. People if your reading this (which you probably arent) dont try and shoot down LogoPresents, this is his series he makes people laugh so don't try to criticize him for it. Like I said before IT WAS OK.