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Reviews for "TooF Military Intel"

Keep 'em coming

This movie had a few too many gay and/or penis jokes. It may be Newgrounds, but that kind of humor can only get you so far. Otherwise, great as always. The helmets were as badass as Teef can make them, and that noise at the end made me crap my pants.

For future reference, can you spell out the name of that Toof with the afro? He's still my fave.

Is it Toof Phil?
Toof Niel?
Toof Field?
Toof Fetal? (That's probably not it)

I like this movie. Here's your ice cream. Have a nice sleep.

I like it

I have seen all of your work, and it is really great. I really like this one. I like that you had original characters, and new ones, but the comedic value was not there for me. I really want to see the conclusion between Solid Toof and Toof Cruise. So good work, and I hope to see some like it again.

keep 'em comin'

not that you seem like the kinda person who would care what others think, i just have to say keep 'em comin'. i love what you do, and obveously alot of other people do to. your animations make me laugh, and they always perk up my day when i've had a crappy one. i have a question though. in one of your commnetaries you mentioned going up to saskatechewan (i don't actually know if that's the corect spelling). are you from canada or the states? I myself am from B.C.. anyways, toof roicks, and your voice is dam sexy.


I like these Toof things but I think it's spelled Tooth. Whatever :D
Maybe you should do these things during the day.

I'm one of those people who don't laugh easy but I really enjoyed it.

Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub!


Man, I totalyl missed this one, didn't even notice it came out, sorry ^^' But I'm reviewing it now! That hair part was gold and same with the ass kisser xD Good Job keep it up!