Loved it!
That was great, something new and refreshing on an old and in my book dead topic. ^-^ Good job!
Loved it!
That was great, something new and refreshing on an old and in my book dead topic. ^-^ Good job!
that was really random and funny. this was weird but good.
Happy to see you back
Great to see that you're back and animating, John. Hopin' that EJ&B'll be back in production soon.
...Oh yeah, and good animation. It looks like you've improved since... April, was it?...
this is the best thing on the internet
this was easly the best and funniest thing in the whole of the univerce!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe a short gag, but it was definetly worth it! Particularly the butter bit. This is the best out of all those made by John Berry.