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Reviews for "FFVII: The Adventure"


its funny okay

That was awsome

I dont care what anybody else says that was the funniest damn spoof on ff7 ive ever seen, and the graphics only add to the humer. Keep up the good work.

ok let me explain this....

tat sucked graphics sucked barely related to ff7 im a ff fanboy but that sucked the snake is still there after when u beat it and also nothing related to it except for sum crap drawn chars runnin around in crap drawn areas killing each other seriously thats not ultimate spoof not realated to ff7 how can it be a spoof go improve ur work it was terrible only music was good cuz u prbly took it fgrom the game itself!get real dude!

i usually give 10's for everything

but this wasnt all that good... the style was kinda good and the graphics were a little funny and all... but eh, i hate it


i loved it, but in response to the people who said that the drawing was bad and you should get someone to help, i would like to say something, i do admit the drawings are terrible. but sometimes its those big flaws that make something great. the cappiness added to the humore. if they had good drawings, it wouldn't be as funny, i think. it was random and short and i liked it. one thing i would like to nag on is the sound, i think you need to fix that a little.