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Reviews for "Chompy The Great"

7th place, wee!

Woohoo, 7th place on the scoreboard! I doubt that will last.
Anyway, this game is fantastic as it is, but I could see a few improvements that would take it to "top of the line" greatness.

1. In-game power-ups/downs. Maybe something that would temporarily grow or shrink Chompy's head. Maybe a powerup that would temporarily make his speed maxed(before maxing the stat). Perhaps a powerdown that would cut his neck length to half for a bit.

2. Option for using a keyboard button to bite. I've been gaming over 28 years, so I have no problem with any controls for the most part, but if my wife or daughters want to play this, it's going to be hard on them with the repeated mouse clicks. Actually, repeatedly clicking the mouse can get painful for anyone.

I never made an entire level without a single miss. I always missed at least a couple of pieces of guts, but there were plenty of times I got all of the guts from an individual bug. It would be cool to have a sound effect(Chompy burp, Chompy giggle, audience clap, anouncer saying "good/great/nice/headshot", something) and/or a graphical reward such as Chompy give a big smile or maybe have his eyes float around really fast like those little glue on eyes people put on dolls when he gets all of the guts from a bug. Like I said, I never got all of the guts in a single round so I don't know if there is a reward for that, but if not that would be good as well.

Thanks for such an excellent game, I'll be playing it plenty I'm sure ;)

ArneTheTurtle responds:

Thanks for the great review. The team agrees with your suggestions for what would have made a better game. (Burping noise idea=awesome) However, this was a sequel/spinoff and a prequal as well so it's mini game status will have to do until our next project is out.

We started this last year as well, and quite frankly after the first couple of weeks, we got tired of working on it and left it alone for a while. (Thus our late release). But here it is in all it's glory and we're glad you liked it! -Angel

good game make more

fun game you should work on the speed that the bugs fall though i was sitting for like a long time for the first one

@_@ Bad level balancing, but still 5/5

The levels from 1-19 were way too easy. Then... Level 20. Insane. A bug that take a million chompings that shoot smaller bugs at a low altitude that don't die and need to be bounced around, and do insane damage if they hit you. It took me so fucking long to get there, through all those easy levels, then I die from something extremely hard at the end. I just wasted an hour of my life. But, it was fun right up to the end, and I congratulate you on a job welkl done :)

I want a Chompy t-shirt.

This game is my new favorite on Newgrounds.

I've played it multiple times all the way through to the Finale, never thinking about how many levels remained, what level I was on, or the duration I'd been playing. Why? It never got boring for me. It's addictive and rewarding, yet evenly challenging.
I have to admit it was helpful for the last 3 titles to be Finale parts; it not only gives you foresight into what to prepare for, but it gives you stamina.
The graphics were clean yet artistic. The insight into detail here was brilliant, down to Chompy's head bouncing when he bites down. The types of bugs were interesting and offered the perfect variation of skill requirements. I never got tired of a single type of them because the mixes and themes were so well thought out.
The music is hypnotic. I was kind of thrown off by the child giggling when I purchased things, but it's not necessarily a bad sound effect.
The fact that you can choose which abilities go up is so fun. It adds a certain strategy to the game that you just wouldn't get if the abilities automatically increased per level.

One suggestion I'd make is for there to be a second or two of a delay after all of the bugs and/or bug guts dissapear from the screen before the abilities screen pops up..The reason being that I kept accidentally purchasing things because I'd still be clicking to collect bug guts when the screen changed.


I fild my bug gut jar!!!!!!!!!!!!!

