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Reviews for "Imminent"


Possibly the best defense game I've ever played, except for the fact while I was playing on easy mode, (victory), At around lv. 37 it said defeat and killed me, even tho it was just after nthe lvl and i already had autoheal. I think the autoheal thing is glitchy

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Hmm, no-one else has mentioned this.. Did you have full health when you started the level? An autohealer doesn't stop you from dying, it usually only delays it, especially in the later levels. If you had no money, and low health it's quite likely that you could die quickly.

i hate you -_-

this game is hella fun and addicting now ima be tired in school tomorrow cuz i cant stop playing it :( add a save mode!!! overall i love that game really fun could use some more weapons but o well :P really great game lots of colors!!

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Yes... save mode... ugh...
*cringes at having to learn more Actionscript*

Thanks for the review, I appreciate it. But really, you should get sleep for school (21 years old? Ah, High-school...) because if you do well, you can go to university like me (19 y/o in November, strange how education systems differ around the world...), And do a course in Games Computing (Damn I'm lucky). But seriously, SLEEP!!


I got to level 82 before i finnaly died, because i forgot to let my base get back to full health before going to the next level. The game is great though. but after you have all of your weapons fully upgraded, its more like shooting a big rapid fire shotgun with a random assortment of bullets in each shell, instead of a bunch of differnt weapons. my solution to this, give each weapon differnt properties other than just speed and damage. for instance have the cannon weapons not stop when they hit an enemy. having the barrel of the weapon also change when you upgrade it would be cool. but all in all this is a very good game, however it is plauged by the same thing that plagues every other defense game, after youve gotten all of the upgrades, and theres no new enemy types to look forward to, it gets a bit borring.

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Thanks for the review, and all the pointers. Cheers!


If I had to pick one game to play for the rest of my life, this would be it. My only complaint is that it is a little slow in the beginning, and the upgrades are a little steep.

that...was...FUCKING AWESOME!

right up until i got pasted by the 6 tanks having decided to save some cash that round. haha, school boy error. ill try again. What round is it? rofl. I wasnt too bothered when i saw the explosion animation. :D:D:D
10/10 on music too.