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Reviews for "Imminent"

Awesomeness to the extreme.

I really enjoyed this game. I find defense games to be kinda boring, but I really got sucked into your's.

The graphics were quite good. The intro screen didn't impress me, (the instruction screen was awkward to read) but the gameplay makes up for it. The fire after the enemies explode looks a little like waving leaves though, lol. And, as many people have said, in the later levels, (above 40?) get ucky flashy. But it's okay, since you're going to improve that all.

I LOVE that you stuck all that music in. <3 <3 <3 And it wasn't crappy either. (at least in my opinion) And it was excellent quality.

Killer style. You took an old idea and put your own spin on it. ^.^

It was very violent, but it was kind of blocky violence. Meaning nothing like, gory, although there was a little blood.
Interactivity - nuff said.

Humor - I thought the variety of enemies was giggle worthy. Space ships and samurai; interesting mix!

Your weapons menu could be improved, but you said also that you'll fix it...hmm...that cursor thing. Yes. Okay, I IM people while I play games, so everytime there's a pause, I send a message or two. When I take my mouse out of the playing box, it flickers like crazy. I could handle it, but it was annoying, seeing as I played for several hours. (I stopped at level 60 after all the weapons. Bored and my butt hurt)

And the save feature thing. Yes, nice. I wouldn't need it, (I didn't need it) but it's a DEFINITE plus, and you also said you work on that.

OKAY! So, if this doesn't get front page, with your improvement it SHOULD. It would be an INJUSTICE NOT for you to be. Hehe. :D
Excellent game. Five and ten.

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Thanks a lot!! I think I will have to improve that first page, there's too many people asking me if it has an end, I have to make it clear that it depends on the mode. And yes, the weapons menu... and the save... I need more sleep first...

Fun game..addictive

Enemies Killed: 5570
Andstroms Earnt: 981,420
Andstroms Used: 955,918


Armor maxes out at 20,000 and autoheal maxes out at 4, but by the time every thing is maxed out, it would really suck to be epileptic since the auto heal is multi-colored and all the weapons are bright as hell. It would be nearly impossible to lose unless you try after everything is all upgraded. Definitely got hooked on this game. Been playing it since the first hour it was on newgrounds and still use it to waste time still..lol ~props~

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Hurray! I made a game with replay value! And that's what counts... Anyway, epileptics really shouldn't be on Newgrounds, there are so many noobs TRYING to make them siezure, so I figured it wouldn't be a problem. Good to see you like it. Cheers!

A fine work of flash games!

Graphics: well done!!!
Style: yeah it rocks! nice work
Sound: I took of 1 point because the bullets doesn't have their sound
Violence: blood blood blood! destroy destroy destroy!
Interactivity: this is the heart of the games for me, upgrades, healing thingies

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Wow, cool! Thanks, dude!

what the fuck happened?

i know my overal is better than any of my other things buy wtf happened

when i played the until lvl 40 mode thing i got defeat after i beat all 40 lvls! i had 8700 life left out of 9400 wat happened?

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

...yeah. That's one bug that just WOULD NOT let me fix it. I tweaked the numbers, changed the code, but it kept displaying the defeat screen. Sorry. But, you know you really won. Victory mode ends at level 40, that's why there was A screen shown. Try defeat mode if you'd like endless play.


Yeah, i love it, the upgrades r sweet. I for one though, think u should make a save on the next one, lol, but only on the defeat ones ;D but on the next one please make it so the cursor isnt that big O_O it kinda got annoying lol. the first time i played i hated it, then i accually beat teh first level and saw that there were diff enemies and crap and i was hooked lol

thats all i have to say

Leonardo-Da-Finchy responds:

Erm, save mode only on defeat? That sorta destroys the object. Hmm. I was gonna put a save mode in Victory only, seeing as that has a goal to work towards... I'll have to hold a vote or something. Thanks for the review!