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Reviews for "Day of the Devil"


If you really did that in only 10 hours then you are fucking amazing. I laughed so hard it hurt. Of course I have 2 kidney stones so it hurts to just breath, but it was still fucking funny.


Dood this rox. You're my fave animator. Vicki, Anthony and Nathan also give it two thumbs up. ROX.


Great movie! Made me laugh alot! Especially the spooky castle part! You got my five!


is spooky castle a real game?

Bobert-Rob responds:

Pretty sure... although all I ever had was the CD of it (came in a cereal box, meaning IT MUST HAVE BEEN THE BEST GAME EVER MADE), I could never get it to work.


one would say that this movie sucks. it does not. It created a legacy! for that, i'll give it a 10/10