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Reviews for "WTC Tribute"

Heartfelt but hamfisted

A Hartfelt tribute and an understandable if somewhat blinkered expression of rage at the assault on freedom. The rest of the world is feeling for and with you but we have always been worried about your 'white hat' self image. If any good can come of this perhaps Americans will stop donating to the IRA.

NifflerFarmer's In-Depth Reviews

Graphics: All photos taken on or around the date of the attacks. I'm afraid I can't raise the score any higher than a 5 because of that fact. Other than that, the pictures you got were some of the more accurate depictions of what happened.

Sound: A song was played in the background that fit the mood, but was a little drab at the same time. A little more of an uplifting song would've fit better.

Interactivity: Rated 1. This generally means that the movie had little interactivity, usually involved with pressing a button or browsing a menu.

Style: Mainly pans and easing of the shots throughout the entire movie. Some movie clips were used, which is a welcome addition when comparing it to some other 9-11 tributes.

Violence: This was rated 1. This generally means almost no violence at all. Pictures of explosions and suffering masses.

Humor: None. This is a completely serious tribute.

Overall: This movie was a decent tribute. While not the best, it still ranks higher than some.
Overall Score: 4
And yes, I know it's a little late to be reviewing this, but I'm just using the Random Portal Entry link to get some more diversity in the reviews I write. Good job, N30b01, and I hope to see more of your work in the future.


Ive said it before in other reviews of "wtc tribues"... the bulk of this movie was mindless, spoon-fed thought provided by the mass media on a daily basis... Dont get me wrong, I think its great that you pay tribute to the victims and so forth...but its still redundant

As for the movie itself, It wasnt all that great...tweening pictures and text... Im sorry, but on the artistic level (and im not talking about entertainment value) I dont think this movie is really that original in that it shares the same unoriginal thoughts that have been pounded into our heads by tv and radio over the last week and a half. Would have been better if it had something "new"

i finally have it..

i'm going to start making tribute movies! people vote nicley on all of 'em!

N30b01 responds:


I wasn't expecting to get over a 2 with this movie...
But Its just a show that people really do care... It took me lots of frustrating searches for the utilities to get news footage on my movie...

and I cried from the emotional shock of the event while making the movie...

But you, you make it sound so fucking trivial.

Awwwwwwwww.....what about the white house??

Who ever made the raid I shall applauds for them
THAT WAS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL, CATASTROPHIC, HEROIC AND CREATIVE ATTACK EVER MADE!!! I was really dissapointed that they didn't blow up the white house or maybe they're just saving it for the next raid.

N30b01 responds:

People like you fail to realize what you are saying...
Whether its ignorance, or Hatred that is your drive, I will not be angry at you... I hope though that deliverance is brought... I hope that tom fulps bans your ip address, and alerts the authority of your dangerous attitude... Now that thousands of people have died, they will not take kindly to threats such as your own...

I am not a religious man, but I have some strange feeling in me that god will deliver us from the evil such as yourself in the world.