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Reviews for "Drone Defence"


i lasted for 24.19 minutes and i got454275 as my score not bad eh?
cool game


well, one of the best defense games i have ever played, seen, heard about, etc. for people who want to brag, i got over 8 million and was on for 40 hours. anyway there are a few things that bugged me, but then again, you cant please everyone, now can you?

1) i understand the level cap, but make it about 25- 30, maybe all the way to 50
2) i LOVE the slow progression of enemy strength, however, tone down just a tad, and literally a little bit
3) also, drone # cap at about 5, at least 4, because 3 just wasnt enough
4) a series of this with a good storyline would be very cool.
5) you can choose music, although i did like the music you used

other than that, 'twas an awesome game. 5 out of 5

i dont want it to be blammed

ya know...i do agree that there were some problems but i like it and i find it original...i mean, show me 1 other game that actually lets you place your turrets wherever you want in any formation and still be able to kick some major @sses...not to mention i find that some games just dont have enough bases covered for the older computers...some of us cant afford a new computer just yet and are forced to play on 3GB (total, if i format my drive) P.O.S. (thats "Peice Of Sh!t" for those of you that don't know) that they fornd in a dumpster (and still manages to have a "pentium 2" type proccessor ^_^)...

in short...i liked it and i added it to my favs...its one of the good D-fence games that i CAN run...also if you check out the guys site you will see that this is actually one of his best games...he doesnt have many and he has only updated his site once...and that was a whole month after making the site "one whole month without a update. sorry it took so long guys" blah blah blah...i forget the rest but still...give him a break.

I liked the game and i'm looking forward to future releases by him...till then i'm gonna enjoy this one of a kind game. (and no starcraft turret defence doesnt count cause this doesnt have "squares" like SCTD does)

could be better

nice game i liked it but its a bit fast pased to realy be enjoyable
and theres realy not enough in the game building wise would be nice if it had waves or like 30 secounds brakes from enemys or somthing to just help with clicking other then that its a good game nice job


id have to say it was kinda a waste of time... its like a Click-To-Kill TD with... MOVABLE TOWERS!!! and they get slightly stronger and are terribly outmatched by your laser after you get it about 8-10... its got potential...but...its...kinda boring... (FYI THE RESEARCH CAP SUCKS!!! YOUR LASER IS THE REAL PROBLEM... its Uber enough as it is...)