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Reviews for "Drone Defence"

I think you made this game too difficult.

You made one of the enemies appear too early into the game, or you made it too powerful.

Gray triangle like body, blue side things. Take a million hits to kill, destroys the base in two seconds. Usually one of the first 3 enemies to appear on all difficulties.

I want to give this a 5, but I'm almost ready to give it less. This is not a threat, nor a promise. This is just to let you know your game is currently broken.

Hyer responds:

Wow thanks for the heads up. Definately did not test that too good. It should be fixed in a few. Sorry about that

its ok

the music gets agravating after a while and its hard to hit the really fast moving targets( that get more frequent aparently) but it is cool. i often think a game where you can position your auto turets shoud be made but on this it suks, i forgot all the dron reanges and attacks and they cost to much to build in the first place yet alone upgrade.

dont get more wrong it is a very good idea but its lacking so much in some areas.

Way too easy.

make some better upgrades, different enemies, a shop instead of the setup it has.


I didnt understood anything. Can you just make better user interface, ts like wtf?

good but...

they are right you need more time to do stuff...