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Reviews for "T.e.s.s.o.n.a.s. Ep 2"


i never give overall 10's. be thankful
it was funny as shit
it was just cool to watch
most flash movies'll get on my nerves but this was a down ass cartoon. it had some funny ass parts. good job

Very Nice!

Let me start by saying, this made my day! I was having a shitty day until I saw this. I was laughing so hard milk, literaly, came out my nose. It hurt. O.K. onto the review.

Graphics: The BGs and Charactures were very sketchy but clean. Everything flowed together and there was no sharp or hard colors. Objects didn't stand out in color nor were they out of place. It ran smooth and I had no problems with it, any of the 13 times I've watched it so far.

Style: The Charactures were quite unique and were designed quite aproprietly for your style of flash. To me, your style stood out more then most of the "Funny" flash animations I have seen on here. It was fast paced and you avoided the whole annoying, singled out characture thing. I thank you for it and respect it very much.

Sound: The sound I found very nice. The only complaint I have is the music and the explosion. They were much louder then the rest of the flash. The sound of Trever's sword swinging was in sync with the swords actual swing, the swallowing of the milk, blast of the gun, it all worked. Good job.

Violence: There wasn't much of it so most people will probably be thinking, "Why did you give it a '10' then?" My reason is that there doesn't need to be loads of violence in a Comical flash. You got just the right amount and I wouldn't change the amount at all.

Interactivity: Well the reason for the '0' is quite obvious. No explanation nessecary.

Humor: Now this is the part I like. Your humor was clean and just plain halarious! The charactures work well together and they seem to roll off one another. Rodger could have been funnier but he had his moments aswell. I like your style of humor. Nothing racist or sexist, the way it should be.

Overall: I gave it a '10' dispite the '8' for sound because I just loved it. P-Ness and Todd were my favorites cause they kind reminded me of myself. I hope you pump a 3rd one out soon and that my review may have helped in some way, shape or form. Sorry for any spelling or gramatical errors. I'll be waiting for more of your stuff. So long for now.

Hey I liked it.

I don't care what others are saying about this flash (this includes the five or so reviewers nay saying it) it was great. nicely done pretty funny jokes.... i'll admit the sound wasn't the best. but who really cares? bottom line is... give me a call when the third one comes out. k?

Meh, pretty good

Well, I can see why it took forever to load.

This is a good idea for a series and you guys do have some funny ideas for the show, but you need to work on consistency and timming. Some jokes took way too long in the set-up or were really uncessessary for the overall plot (like the hobo...funny but really out of place). Other than that, the animations were pretty solid but you need a better quality mic.

I say make more but work on your timming and planning.

Music was the best part

Wasn't really that funny, no animation way over used anime style
audio was poppy and had roomtone that made listing to it hard to take