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Reviews for "2012"

Nearly made me cry when she died...

Man...shows how fucked up this world is...Really nice flash :D


that was pretty good.
i hope the world doesn't end 2012. it would suck if what you say is true.

oh FFS.

Great. We finally fucking get the olympics, and then the world ends.

GG, Mayans.

Also, awesome movie. You've managed to make me almost completely paranoid.

- A concerned brit.

That was just stupid.

I'm not even going to bother reviewing the "plot" of this thing, because it was adverted as something that sounded interesting, and ended up being a music video.

The graphics were sub-par. Was the main character SUPPOSED to be a hunchback, or was that just shitty art? Stylisticly, I suppose it takes SOME style to create this with a straight face and not take a few jabs, but not enough to make it good.

Look, you tried, yeah. But it's not that great. You bring up points which are moot because they were created as part of FANTASY. You make connections which could've been made at any point in time, with any group of people. That, and how the HELL do you explain the main character surviving a several kiloton bomb going off, based on your perspective, a few feet away?


woah!! that was the most moving flash i have ever seen! this has a meaning! everybody vote five! this deserves frontpage!!

Ragnarok2k3 responds:

Thanks alot im really glad you enjoyed it. It really means alot to us.