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Reviews for "Sonic's Look Alikes"

Another *** - kicking flash!

But to bad that S.S didnĀ“t beat Mega.Metal.Sonic...
What was the name of the music in this flash? I liked it! ^^

P.S: I was gonna make some Shadow battle sprites and send them to you, but it seems like you have allready found some... :P

Vixin-McCloud responds:

Glad you liked it. That Super Sonic fight against Mega Metal Sonic was the future part of the clip that was meant to beat him in the end. By the way, that song was called Look Alike (hence the name of the clip).

P.S: Thanks for the thought, but I have had Shadow Battle sprites for a long time and have even started making Super Shadow sprites outta them (cus I've never liked any of the other Super Shadow sprite sheets since they don't flash).

love you.

:) i love you.
in love these sprite, and sonic my favorite character.
sonic ruled! XD
dear i love that music.
love you. XD LOL
keep it up.
lol, glad you sumbit friday. :D
so keep it up! XD

Vixin-McCloud responds:

Uh...how do I resond to this one? (thinking)I know! GOOOOOOO SONIC!!!!! Thanks for your kind words! I'll remember to look back at this review on Valentine's Day! FEED THE EGO!!!!!!!

It ws good, no wait, Awsome

well, I ikled your flash enough I gave it a five.
well, I downloaded the song Look Alikes.
I even happen know this song was featured in Sonic the hedgehog movie.
1. you did a good job of animating the sprites, and the backrounds, I noticed most of them were enhanced by paint shop. Good work!
2.Where in the hell did you get an idea for a flash like this, and im not makig fun of it eaither.Goo Job!
3.I like the song.
4.it was good I guess. It was good.
5.who the hell needs buttons during a flash, except for sceen skip buttons.
6.I didnt see any.

I like that you used the ending song of Sonic the Hedgeog Movie.

one Q&A

I want to be an animater or a graphic designer(A.k.aA. I want to make video games.) what coures shpuld I take in high school to get this job.

Vixin-McCloud responds:

Wow! Thanks! It's nice to see someone watching this without going "WTF?".

1. Thanks. It was MS Paint actually (which may or may not be the same thing. I don't know.) That and Flash is all I have.
2. I didn't think you were making fun of it. I got the idea listening to lyrics and started running through my head the many Sonic-like enemies Sonic has faced. Felt like a trip down Memory Lane for me and the current release at the time was SA2B. So I figured, why not use this song to show a timeline? Past, Present and I'd made up his future.
3. So do I. The english is a little iffy, but still Awesome!
4. Thanks. Thanks again. ^^
5. Unless it's a game, but that's something different again.
6. Any scene skip buttons? You don't need it in a music clip like this.

To answer your question. If your high school offers ANY sort of Media course, that's always a good start. Computing as well cus' some animating programs get VERY technical. To get a job like that though, you'll need Uni (or Collage) training and degrees. I kid you not.

hehe so true

even tho i must admit that when i played Sonic CD the first time i really liked that Metal Sonic, and thanks for putting Shadow ( my favorite), and yea Maria Oneshotted that's was great

Vixin-McCloud responds:

XD The girl must've been made of foam if one shot was all it took. I liked Metal Sonic too, but this idea is over-used.

Thanks for the review!


cool but why the bike? sonic is the speed of sound why the hell does sonic use a
bike still good vid

Vixin-McCloud responds:

The bike is there cus' one is mentioned in the lyrics.