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Reviews for "Sonic's Look Alikes"

Good vid

Great vid make more

Vixin-McCloud responds:

Thanks. ^^ I'm working on another one right now!

Nothing Too Special

Sprite movies are everywhere nowadays. This is good, and was worked hard on... But for some reason it just didn't 'rock my world'.

The "moving" backgrounds were really the same background that just repeated over and over and over... The animation was okay... You just reused ALOT of stuff and didn't show me anything really cool. The battle scene against the big metal-looking Sonic was boring, and wasn't really well animated. They ran into eachother and just... ran against eachother. And then flew around the screen for five seconds...

The sound was a standard techno song. It killed your filesize... And you didn't have any sound effects, which is kind of a bummer.

I'm sorry, I KNOW you worked hard on this, and it IS good - but I just think you could do better... I know you've done other movies... I'm just being realistic.

This certainly doesn't make poop look good, but it isn't anything new or interesting, either.

- 2/5 - KEEP GOING, you are doing good so far...

Vixin-McCloud responds:

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS WAS A VERY OLD PROJECT. I tried to use the best quality possible for the song which is why the file size was huge. Also the backgrounds repeated because They Were Moving! Besides, you work with what you've got.

You zoomed in so close it looked bad

This flash was really good! the music went right along with it. but u really need to work on ur animation. when sonic was running it looked like the whole place was shaking. Another thing is that on some parts you would zoom in way to close. im not complaining. Im just giving you things you can work on on ur next flash movie. Im just saying that you cant zoom in close on sprite animations because the pixels look big and it makes it look like just a bunch of whole little squares. anyways i liked the story and the music. Wow i dont think ive ever typed a review this long! i ususally only type a line or 2. lol

Vixin-McCloud responds:

I guess this review broke your world record of typing. About the zooming thing, if I could draw, I wouldn't zoom in that far, I would draw it in instead, but I can't, and I couldn't think of a better way to show Sonic shutting his eyes. Zoom-in sprites can work, provided it looks right. As for the shaking background, this might be my latest release, but this is in fact the earliest movie I've ever finished. All you have to do is look at "Sonic VS Super Sonic" just to see how much the moving background has improved. Too bad I didn't break my response record (Damn!).

its ok

its good but...
you could make the close ups look better as when they do close up they look like squares :(
also sound

Vixin-McCloud responds:

They're sprites. What do you expect? If I could draw then I would draw the close ups but I can't. Also i didn't add sound cus' I wanted the music to stand out.

Lah-mao, shoot myself?

I've certainly never heard someone say that before. At least be original when you insult somebody when they don't agree with you! For shame!

Vixin-McCloud responds:

Disagreeing is one thing, but TELLING ME TO BEND DOWN AND KICK MY OWN ASS IS ANOTHER!!! If you said something like 'this movie suck for the following reasons' and told me why, I would've taken you more seriously.

Besides, since when did I need YOUR approval on anything. If you've never heard anyone say that before and I've never heard anyone say that before then it must be...hmm...what's the word I'm looking for...Oh that's right. ORIGINAL!!!

So stop filling my review box with shit!! If you don't like my movies, DON'T WATCH THEM!!! Although if you MUST watch anything with my name on it, I suggest you should rip both eyes out of your sockets.