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Reviews for "Big beats Jukebox v.1.1"


Nothing special dude, it's not really a movie at all. I don't know crap about flash and I think I could have done it!


I wouldn't call this a game...
I have you a two overall because I have two of those songs.
And since you highest in a review is ten, and the highest we can vote is five, I'll have to divide that two in half and vote a one.

what the fuck?

that wasn't really worth the effort, now was it?

It just...

Music put into flash, buttons linked to the thing.... thats pretty much it.... Like the guy who posted.... a year ago... no preloader, could've had a little game while listening to it... Heck, i'd play it for about 10 minutes if it had some good songs and a little pong~esque mini-game.... I give it 0 mp3 files.... out of 5.. (heh, there were actually 5 music choices on there!)

The biggest piece of Shit

This is the biggest peice of Fucking shit I have ever seen. It suck... and it cant be a jukebox caz they play REAL MUSIC..... not this shit