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Reviews for "Krazy Kar 2"

Really Good

This was a great flash. My comp is kinda slow in this room, so I experionced some lagging, but thats just cause I'm playing on a Windows ME. It was a huge step up from the first one. You did good.


yet still rad. The other 1 seemed to run smoother idk good work here


The graphics are all right, and the sound is certainly appropriate for the game and its style. However, the game play is par. It isn't bad, nor is it great.

just as good even better

loved it as much as i loved the first and i loved the first ALOTTT


Why so many bad reviews?
This game rocked and I know it's 100 times better than anyone here reviewing can make so think of that. I thought the game was awsome so........ yeah make a third! (Next time not purple)