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Reviews for "LR: Prelude"

Really good

Man whats with the guy critizing? Well I thought it was really good and the voices were great too. Great Job

Ok here goes.

First of all you can barely hear the voices. Along with that problem of mic noise that has not been filtered. Second, the overal faces are animated well, but there are some jagged edges, most likely because it was drawn with a mouse. (Just guessing, I know if you use flash and a pad, he tells me there is a feature for smoothing rough edges)

But i do have to say this. Newgrounds does not need another preview of a movie that will never come. Do you have a timeline? You go to the project section of your website and it says under contruction. Well i guess i shouldn't complain, almost the whole site is under contruction.

Overall, a timeline (Does not have to be spot on) would be nice. Also if you could get rid of the sound of the air passing over the mic when someone speaks (You really hear it when someone says a word with the letter P in it) you have a sweet flash

Well there is my review. No i guess I will sit back and see how many people call it "Gay" because the have no Literary skills and cannot create critisim without the word "GAY". Also notice how i didnt bash the movie because of the few things that I saw wrong? Some people could learn from this (**COUGH**COUGH** Reviewers from GS **COUGH**GOUGH**)


This movie rocks.
I like your style man.
But next time work with the graphics a bit.
And you should've risen the voices.
Well in overall its Great !!!
Cant wait to see the next one (if there is going to be).
Good luck !

Hey look, another Anime wannabe.

Yes I watched it all the way to the end of the credits. And its another anime, using more western style character drawing. But by and large it's anime. Try something original for a change.
OH! And oh boy, bad techno, and Rap... Yes thats what we need, lets be -more- like Fox Anime. And while we're at it, lets throw in some poorly recorded dialogue that can't be heard without the music blasting you when it starts up full bore. Jeeeeee-willackers, that was nifty.
Oh and by the way, despite what everyone seems to think, the Katana isn't all that great as a blade, even the ones owned by a Daimo or higher ranked Samurai. It was primarily a piercing weapon, ment to get through chinks in armor. How about something original next time? Like a rapier, or cutlass being used? They were ment for slashing, and most of the time a cutlass could easily break a katana on the first or second swing. Just thought you should know.

Zombie-Pimp responds:

you kids are really over the edge these days. So obsessive about what you think this is, or how you can analyze it, that you can't just try to forget about the bullshit and enjoy it. Oh and btw, your a fucking asshole for giving straight 0's Suck a fat one.

Super skuxx mc deluxxe=0

Lol good animation. Some of it look a little crappy but that was made up for with style. I could've guessed she was gonna kill them all but that didnt ruin it. Overall, a great flash.