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Reviews for "McDonald's videogame"

my year is 2565

awesome game lots of stuff happening in that game

A very good game

I enjoyed this game very much. Very well made. I, myself got to year 2105. Which wasnt easy. I love how you mixed in bad things here and there, the waste, hormones, things like that.


I reached somthing like year 2065, but at this point all my lands became vacches =p. So my income became nothing. Despite that it's a really good game, and very challenging.

CRAP,Yet fun

This is confusing and boring. but kind of fun, Its like Sim City+McDonalds.

Nice Game!:D

yea ummm anyone who's played the game are most likely most likely muchu, much, much, MUCH better than me cuz i've only gotten to like i dunno 2015? anyways plz reveal to me ure ways of fast food management i always go bankrupt!DX it's just tht all problem for me start wen i start getting low on burgers (which are delicious!) then there's this porblem at the HQ something about the growth is not suffcient i've got no clue wat it means, then im running way too low on burgers! so i cant make cash by selling meals, then i have like -200000$!DX so then 40 seconds later............ BANKRUUUPPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!DX and so then i try again same problem.......-_____- so..... PLZZZZZ HEELLLPPP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!