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Reviews for "The History of Animation"


great it was a great change from all the violence and shitty humour and we learnt stuff well . . . but yer it was great!

This movie

Great video! It keeped me watching it till the very end, it was very interesting to watch. With a nice sense of humor, I voted it 5!


Most of Jugoslavia's cartoons R unknown... And we hungarians made a lot of theese unknown cartoons, but 2 of that became very popular: -Time masters
-Cat catcher ("Macskafogó")

cyberen responds:

I'm not complaining about your comment, but this constant revelation about facts I got wrong is starting to bother me.

Bravo, sir. Bravo.

That was an excellent video! I think the best thing you put in there fact wise had to be about Dali working with Walt Disney. I had no idea but that's pretty cool. You also get extra props for adding MST3K and Rocko's Modern Life. *chuckle* You should have spoke more about Belgium's part in the cartoon world. I realise this was more about moving animation, but they're still a big factor in it all. Anyway, you made a big deal about the sound getting off track and it was nice to warn us, but it was for such a short time at the end that it wasn't too horrible.

For the most part, that was really good--and interesting. My god I just LEARNED on Newgrounds. I think the world stopped turning. Great job! =)

cyberen responds:

If anyone knows how to stop the sound from lagging over time, please e-mail me and tell me. Otherwise I'm stumped.

Not bad, but...

I completely disagree with your glazing over of the 80's, it was in fact probably the most important period in animation history since the golden age of the 30s-50s. During the 70s animation as an industry was in decline and at the end of the decade it was realized by marketing firms that toys would sell better if they could just hammer the brand names into kids' heads but they only had 30 second comercials to do it. The solution? Write a half hour toy commercial and vaguely disguise it as a cartoon! From this such iconic brands as Transformers, GI Joe, He-Man and Thundercats were born. Monetarily speaking it was the most profitable time for animation studios ever and many smaller studios sprang up to try and get a slice of the action. More people were producing more animation for television at this time than in any other period before or since.

cyberen responds:

ok sir, please do me the favor of editing the flash so the 80's are included, with all of those points you mentioned, and I'll put it up here post-haste!