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Reviews for "To kill an assassin"

Finally a animation with creative dialogue!

Nothing bad to say about this piece at all. I loved the animation and the character drawings. But the main strength of this was the dialogue. Its rare to see some inspired and thought out pieces of writing. The character development was great for the main character. Niether a protagonist nor an antagonist. I absolutely cannot wait for the next one! Keep up the good work!

Jeezuz this is inspired!

Excellent frame by frame sketches and buckets of style, could of used somemore creative violence though...and Rammstein are feckin' brilliant!......More of this please!

This was great!

I agree woth boinkdoink on every aspect of this movie. The story line was very vivid and original. This movie is great with 'Du Hast' by Rammstein in the back ground and the timing of everything is well done.

Why isn't this, and other good works on top?

The pencil/line art is such a powerful artistic statement...Everything in this world is thin and emaciated, but Gothic beyond belief. Without getting into details, the nature of the movie is very well apparent despite the deceptive color scheme...white almost becomes a ghostly pallor instead of a pure color...There's a bit of thinking involved with this. Not like the junk that populates the Top 50. In fact, this is reviewed as 9.06 of 10...which should be 4.53 of 5. Of the 2527 it has, it is only a 3.61. Are the reviewers the only smart people? Or do most people just not care? WHY ARE PEOPLE SO DUMB?


This was an awesome movie, this is definitely something i would like to see more of. keep up the good work.