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Reviews for "Twist of Fate"


I would go completley INSANE if that happened to me! lol

nice one

this sort of flash kind'a resembles what im convinced in- things allways can get worst
nice job btw

pretty good

nicely done, the heaven scene could have been delivered a little quicker

nice idea

but it wasn't as funny as it could have been, this may be due to the voices which i found bland and, well, just extremely dull :\
nice graphics, good sound effects and well animated. Nice idea, but not executed in a way that's obviously funny for all (maybe i'm the only exception :p).


Or in other words, to be hinest with you, I expected a lot more from this movie and it disappointed me. I saw that you have made an other movie which also won the daily second, and everyone knows that your movies are always good if not very. I thought that I would check it out and that it would be hilerious and such. I am very disappointed, although the movie wasn't so bad.
The graphics is the best part in the movie, but still I find it not as good as in the rest of your movies. Don't think that I am reviewing this lower because I am compairing it to the rest of your movies BTW. First of all, the charecters are pretty well drawn, although I find them pretty simple. Something in their poses and leg\arm motion seems a bit weird to me, and not the good type of weird. The Background was pretty fine, nothing to say about that besdies for the fact that in heaven the background needs more details. The object design is not bad at all, but not that good either, you need to work a bit on it. About the coloring, I find it perfect, or close to perfection.
The style is pretty nice too, the directing wasn't something too great, but it was fine and a bit above it. The thing I didn't really like in the style of this movie is that I can't find any atmosphere built. The atmosphere is very necessery to increase the humor in the movie. You need to turn on the humorous button in the viewers brain somehow in order to make them understand that it is humorous before the first joke. Also, the all views from which you showed the film were pretty wring, for my opinion and could have been a lot more powerful if taken from somewhere else. In general the style was Ok though.
There is not much to say about the sound, but I will say it anyway. Firstly, the voice acting is not something too great, actually it is something which also intorrupted the style a bit. Secondly, there was not much music in the background of the movie, a music\soundtreck should be added in order to increase the humorous atmosphere.
This movie could use a bit violence. The fact that the main charecter got hit by a track twice in the movie and wasn't left with a single hit was disappointing. I expected to see blood, at least in the second time when the track exploades his head, it could be extremely humorous and add a lot to the atmosphere.
The script wasn't good actually, I didn't expect to find this kind of script in one of your movies. The movie wasn't funny at all, and I am very sorry to say that. The occasion really was ironic, but the script didn't emphasise it a lot, the fact is that I didn't laugh even once in this whole movie. The script is very short and has only one or two jokes in it, which are also unfunny.
Anyway, this movie is fine, not something too great, but it is fine, next time work on the script more, so as the style.