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Reviews for "Balthor's Tales From Hell"

could be beter...

i saw beter...again

A crude comedy

This was okay for a pained chuckle, but an alternate ending would have been better.

After the monster, he does get the coeds, but just as he's about to enjoy (while pretending to be in pain, of course), a white light shines down and a voice says something to the effect that he's been sent to the wrong place and he was meant to go to heaven after all. So now they'll just look over his files to find out what he likes and doesn't like so they can give him what he likes best in heaven...

sucks like hell

this was a waste of my time, i thought, couldve been better,......way better. bleh! this is crap!

You have a warped sense of humour! Good Job!

This was the wierdest thing i have ever seen. Good Job. You could make a reasonably well off series from this.


not really a fan of this guy's cartoonmanship. although very distinct in style, he lacks the necessary qualities required of a legitimate animator; talent and timing. keep trying, bro, the road to victory is long and arduous.