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Reviews for "Belong to everyone"


I really had no idea what was going on until the ending. Really nice animation. My only problem with this was the choice of music and lack of other sounds. Irish folk music just doesn't go very well with insects and Halloween, in my opinion.


Great Movie

Great animation and clever ending, music fit well with the story Keep it up!


Graphics - Really liked the way you had drawn the grass and all the surroundings as well as the insects, the colours suited the piece.

Style - Its something that has been done before, but you put your own little twist onto it to give it an original feel.

Sound - Well was flawless really, everything fitted.

Overall - I like how you have no idea what they are doing until about 3/4 way through. You obvioulsy thought this one through and it paid off.

That was cute

I really enjoyed that. Thank you.

I want a pumpkin like that too!

Another very fluent animation of yours. Pitifull enough, I find myself and many others not really 'getting it'.
I understand the insects are sort of working together to have a very special Halloween, using each speciality of each species, but it seems the ants are forced into it.

Huh. Anyway, overall, I liked it. :) I will check out your other animations too.