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Reviews for "Hey Newgrounds"

great job

i was this close to blaming it [ ] but then i decided ill give ya a chance, so i watched the whole thing, any flash that makes me laugh just once i give over a 3 but u made me laugh quite a few so u get a 5zor, lacked a little in graphics but made up for it in funny, to bad this submision wont get a very good score cuz most people only look at begining of flash to decide on score :/

9/10 only cuz of funny

SeizureDog responds:

funnah makes teh world go round

Heh heh

The graphics in this flash were alright. Not much, though. Meh. The sound, I liked the music. :D I thought it was funny. This whole flash was funny. With the conversation between those two people. I'd say that's the most exciting conversation ever! :D The crazy credits, damn, my name wasn't mentioned. :'( But still, I liked this flash. Good work.


SeizureDog responds:

Sowie Bahamut :( you know you're in the special credits of mah heart.

I concur

Um...lol and w00t and all that stuff.

I don't know that language it's like...another language to me. However, this was f'n funny either way.

Go man go!

-That was hawt though

SeizureDog responds:

'tis 1337 yo.


w3|_|_ 1t sh0ws the troo stup1tity in teh wehy we tolk. Well enough of typing like that. It was quite gross but not in a bad way. I liked how it showed conversations somewhat like we have on NG BBS except we now realize how moronic it is. Well good job seizuredog.

SeizureDog responds:



But next time, put more Basspro55