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Reviews for "Hypno_Shooter [Box-killa]"

Actually it's pretty good

Especially at around 1:20-ish.
During the beginning I thought the song was going to be uninteresting, but then I started to enjoy it. Only thing is, I just don't think it should have the title of "Dark Castle", to me it looks something more like "Training Stage", or "Vertical shooter battle thing".
Overall it's good.

Box-Killa responds:

:D Changed the name


This song is nothing more then an effect orgy with a repetitive melody and a single chord change. Nothing is going on to carry the song, so it sounds like its in a perpetual intro. Far from being ParagonX9 inspired, it has lackluster synths and cheezy effects and the most ridiculous drumline ever. It's just a snare and a kick.

For this to be anywhere near a PX9 song, you first have to give it some decent drums, and then you need a melody that's actually good. Once you have those two ingrediants, you have to actually CHANGE the song around instead of repeating the same motif for 3 minutes until your listener falls into a coma.

Having more then a piano playing a lot of rapid random notes and a single synth playing a melody that doesn't change throughout the entire 3 minute song would help a lot here. I mean, this is borderline crap. Your only real embellishments are the generic techno sounding synth in the background and random interjections by other instruments, along with some fairly ridiculous effects.

All in all, there are 2 primary issues with this song - it has no harmony, and the drums suck. I would recommend paying attention to the actual song more next time instead of spending your time making effects.


Box-Killa responds:


Guess ya cant please everyone. :D

Yeah that drumline IS pretty ridiculous.

It just sounds a bit amateur and a little uninteresting to hear an underlying "BUM BUM TSH BUM BUM BUM TSH BUM" throughout the entire piece. Even with random cymbal crashes thrown in. You definitely gotta work on making the percussion dynamic and interesting... NOT copy-and-paste sounding.

I too get a feeling of emptiness when listening to the song... For all the WOOAHH crazy synth sounds whirring past, there is not a whole lot going on. Again, you have to, when making a song, find ways to make it a dynamic breathing thing, not something that is static and flat. This is very hard, as it requires you to balance simplicity with complexity. The best of the best have mastered it. The mediocre touch upon it. The shitty just completely ignore. I'll be the first to admit to not being an expert.

In short, you have a whole bunch of things going on, but it is a static and dead piece. This may anger some ardent listener wanting, for some reason, to race hovercars. And, I could snarkily say that the "5" I was going to give you would be a 5/10, because it is a bit presumptuous to say 'vote 5' when we all know in the AP that that is a rare occurrence at best.

But I give it SLIGHTLY above average, because it is at least on a technical aspect somewhat put together nicely. You just need to work on making the piece come alive.

Box-Killa responds:

Well first of all, thanks for listening to the song. Now to get down to addressing your comments...

- I dont quite understand why you think it is uninteresting, I mean, I can't make it any more interesting then how I find it interesting, and most people seem to find it interesting so I suppose it is just personal taste.

- The drum beat matches the type of tune I wanted to create. There is nothing wrong with having the type of drum beat It has, I think it fits well, but again, personal taste. But yes, I am always looking for ways to improve, in everything.

- I don't quite understand why you feel empty, 180 bpm, piano, lead, bass, drums, I think you just read the retarded revew below and thought, yea ill say what he said.

- To tell the truth, I think your little "breathing" theory, is a load of shit, Don't box yourself in with some wierd ass mindset. I just make songs, and sometimes they sound good, sometimes they dont. Don't over complicate things. I have progressed a lot from when I first started, not because I took into acount "dynamic breathing" or balanced simplicity with complexity, but because I just make what sounds good :D

- In short I think you just cloned the last review, and i am not quite sure why this wouldnt make a nice hover car song.

Finaly, this is a vg song, not trance, not dance. It sounds good to me and to others, so dont go boxing yourself into 1 mindset after reading a retarded review, you will never progress as a musician unless you listen for yourself and see what you LIKE and see what you DONT like. It is not that complicated.

Anyway i dont really know how I could make it become "alive", it is not dance or trance so I am not going to make it sound how you want it to sound. Sorry lol

And it doesn't have a climax because it doesn't need one, it is a video game song. Besides where in the rulebook does it say you need a climax? I climax would ruin the atmosphere of this song. It is not American Idol lol.

PS. I normally dont mind critics but I just felt I needed to challenge what you were saying. PM me if you want to talk more.

Thanks again for the review!


not my cup of tea

techno and or completely electronic music is too much on my ears, but you seem to be good at it. Still you should try to be more ground breaking instead of following a code where you try to get the best possible rating. Instead of seaking others praise why not try to be more revolutionary that way I can have some reinforcements in trying to resurect the decaying music scene.

Box-Killa responds:

:D thanks for the reivew, but why the 0?