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Reviews for "Hypno_Shooter [Box-killa]"


dude very nice, i can see how this was inspired by paragonx9

dude i wish more of your songs were like this

it need a new lead to come in, the starting is good, but im just sayin it needs a new element introduced

you need come cymbal action to give it a more "moving" feel, you know what i mean

good sfx all the way through

how did you make those acid sounds? they sound pretty good

i like the action created by the piano, but i think it should be given a rest for a few measures, the constant 16th notes running in a persons face could get old real quick, thats just my though though

with a fat bassline, and more energetic drums, this could end up being quite beasty

really good dude

peace out


Box-Killa responds:

aww lawl yes it was very much inspired.

Yeah If you take out all the crap songs I make all the time lol....

Oh muh gosh my brain hurts i cant make another lead

:D L33t effects

acid = vanguard on speed



hmm maybe could do with some nice hats.

Thanks for the reivew, always many suggestions you haz


Oh my

I get the urge to race hovercrafts when I listen to this.

Box-Killa responds:

then race em

Very good

Wow you have some very nice melodies in this song. They are all very catchy and once they stop I think: "Hey, why doesn't this melody continue to play? But wait, what's that? The meldoy that plays right now is awesome, too."
And it's like that the throughout the whole song, so I nearly forgot to pay attention to the background beat as well... ^^

The instruments in the background set a nice basis for the melodies, they accentuate them pretty well. Plus the background beats can only be heard in the background, just like they are supposed to be. No overpowering of beat and melodies here, everything can be heard just fine. Nice work in the mixing departement! :)

{ Review Request Club }

Box-Killa responds:

:D thanks, lol i deleted that other submission. It was an unfinished projet i forgot to delete :D Peaceout. Oh kodos for the mixing praise :D Peaceout!

Very, very good!

But still, i haven't given you a ten :D (Aren't I evil??). Sry but there were some things i noticed which got you the nine...

Intro was great and well thought out, providing the main melody with a starting climax. Liked the way that the main melody faded into the song and took over from the starting intro melody. Transition here was overally smooth although i'm not a particular fan of that small silence you put in the beginnin.

Instrument variation was were u lost the point. In my opinion, you used the same instrument too much and although you may argue that this is what is expeted from a video game song, you still could've included more 8-bit isntruments...

Variety was pretty good too. The interludes you put in some parts of the song provided it with enough variety to make the listener crave for more (and take my advice...that's a good thing).

Background music was fine, the song had pretty good blend and the depth of the whole thing was great too. i liked the alienish sound effects you put into some parts. they gave the whole thing a good video game feel.

Another thing i didn't like though was the ending. It cut off too abruptly and elft you scratching your head and saying "That's it?!?!". Maybe you could work on that ;)

Overall, it was pretty good. I can honestly picture myself hearing this as i play a video game wher i'm trying to run away from a beastie. Very fast-paced rythm. Good work!

-Review Request Club-

Box-Killa responds:

Yep it is a vg song :D Thanks

Much variets, The ending was rushed I suppose, or I ran out of inspiration. Maybe I should have released it later,

I never usually change my song after it has been submitted, although I should. Maybe in 2 years later I might go change everything, but I would have probably deleted the .fla's by then :D

Wow, this is so VG-ish...

...Don't worry, that's a good thing. I enjoyed this quite a bit. Still, like Darklight, I feel like being evil and giving you a 9 as well because of a few problems X).

The melodies were superb, and were really varied, just like Haggard said. I liked the background accompaniment with the piano-ish melody, since it sounded really video-gamish and cool. I'd work on its variety though, if I were you. The instrument choice was really nice. I liked the high bells over here, and the main instrument was cool, but after some time got quite annoying. You should add a few more instruments, like some square-based synths and some plucked instruments. One of the best parts of this song were the laser and alien-ish sound effects, IMO. They sounded excellent.

The transitions were really good and the melodies flowed excellently together. The transition from the main synth to the bells melody was quite cool, and the effect buildup at the beginning was pretty nice. Really cool song structure, and great variety as well. I liked the part where the piano was playing only at 1:46, it sounded fantastic while not disrupting the fast-paced feel of the song. Still, the intro wasn't that impressive, and neither was the ending. I think this song would be much better off if you looped it. Firstly, I think you should take away the first 15 seconds of the song so the action-packed parts start straight away, and then remove the sound effect you had at the end. It should make it loop much better, and more flash artists would become interested in having it in their submissions.

The drums really weren't that special, and although they were just the right loudness, I was expecting a more action-packed drum beat with more than just a kick and snare. I'd say some tambourines, shakers hi-hats. and more types of snares and kicks wold do a good job on this. Maybe you could try some reverse cymbals and reverse kicks over here too. Still, the drums you have now are really varied, and transit from one melody to another.

It's a really cool sounding song, with just a few flaws. It'd do great in a flash submission if you remove the effect at the end and the first 15 seconds of the song and make it a loop, or you could always submit another version of this song except looped. Anyway, whatever; good job, keep up the great work!
5/5 - Man, this has some awful 0-bombing onto it. I don't think you should mass PM people to review your submissions, it'd attract more 0's. :\

-Review Request Club-

Box-Killa responds:

Meh i dun care about 0 boming, look at all the reviews I got, and 450 views so far, A front page would be nice, but I dont mind... :D