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Reviews for "Starfire"

Really GREAT !

I don't understand why so many users are complaining about the difficulty...yes,it's a bit hard, but beating a level gives you a lot of satisfaction :) ! (I play in "normal" difficulty) .
Now, some complains :p :
1) There is something wrong about the game screen : some enemy units exits the screen (on right or left) but they still interact with you (exploding or firing) , in the third level there are only mines (but I can hit them with the lateral drones) and in the second level the tanks (same as before).
2) Is it normal that it seems that the boss in level 3 (yes, the one who runs up to you sooooooo fast :p ) seem not to be hurt by the last type of weapon (laser beam?) at level 5, the maximum ? The light of the weapon (very intense,but very COOL :p) covers the boss, and it seems to be unhurt after so many hits... I would like to know if it's normal (gotta improve my skills) or if there's something wrong (maybe the first one :p).
The shop system is GREAT,and the difficulty is well balanced (in my humble opinion) . Checkpoints would be fine, but I think that they're NOT essentials !
Keep up the good work !! :)

sspecter responds:

Hey man.

Its funny everyone found too hard. Me and the testing guy found it was too easy actually! :P I think we are too hardcore :P

Let me answer your complains

1) Yeah im aware for that. I knew it was happening (with 2 enemies: the tank and the mines) but I thinked it wasnt a big deal, but I was wrong. (I was trying to avoid offscreen detection. As the most ships spawn and stay onscreen it could slow the flash more). But hopefully in future ill fix it.

2) Well... the laser beam is great against horde of enemies and bosses with lots of hit points. But it is specially inefective against the boss 3. It take out only half the damage (in the same time) than the plasma beams of the same level does (it compensates by hitting sucessive enemies/hit points). Besides, the boss 3 have a huge hull, is fast and become invulnerable when using the pink shield. 15 (+ or -) well placed shots of beam laser lvl 5 can kill him. Ive already tested it, so he's beatable with that weapon. Good Luck ;)

Excellent Tyrian-style shmup!

Bodacious selection of weapons and ship systems. Good music. Great sound effects. Damned hard (but mostly fair) game play. No, I didn't finish, but I'll be giving it another try sometime -- this is going on my faves list. This is easily one of the best Flash-based shoot-em-ups I've yet seen. Awesome job!

class shooter game 8^)

one of the most best shooter games eva! if u plan on makin another one i will review agen (8^)


wow man this was a good game

-could only replay missions
-more ships
-more weapons
-more lvls
-more bosses

all together it was a hella fun game

One great tribute

Having played Tyrian myself, this is a near perfect tribute to the original. The only thing that I didn't like was the engine selections: the basic one takes far, far too long to react (long enough that I wondered if it would give me carpel tunnel!). I salute you as one of the few who carry on such a great game's spirit.